Dennis Tzeng and Ken Napzok react to and review the first official trailer for ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7.

Check out the trailer here:

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  1. WTH Guys? There were huge spoilers in this Trailer especially if you know Dragon lore and remember the Visions Daeny had in Season 2. D&D messed up with this trailer.

    This Trailer clearly shows House Lannister is about to be no more including the death of the MAD QUEEN by Jamie..

    The Trailer is also confirming Tyrion is a Targaryen and the Three Heads of the Dragon. Mel being at Dragonstone will also confirm Tyrion has the same Targaryen blood as Daeny and Jon.

    Jon is clearly North of the Wall and likely repeating the quest of the Last Hero …. which requires there to still be Children of the forest to save Jon. Or do they?

    Jon is attacking Little Finger near Lyanna Starks crypt which could mean Bran has told Jon who his father & mother are.

    With the Three Heads fo the Dragon, and the Three dragonriders essentially being confirmed ….. Daeny's visions at the House of Undying in season 2 are about to come true.

  2. What excites me most about this season (which is 8 episodes, btw) is that characters who have spent years spread out across Westeros and Essos will finally be sharing scenes together. Spoilers below…

    There were some set photos leaked with Jon Snow, Daenerys, Gendry, Jorah, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, and more all filming together. That's the kind of thing I've been waiting for since the beginning. I couldn't be more excited.

  3. My whole family loves "Game of Thrones" — even my young nephew (his mom covers his eyes during nude scenes lol). My mom, who died in November loved the show. When she was in her nursing home and not able to watch, I'd visit her and recount what happened in the previous episode. She never was a fan of science fiction or fantasy, but she loved Game of Thrones.

    I am truly excited for the next season. It looks great.

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