Some personal predictions and fan fiction concerning Game of Thrones season 8. This video is a mix of all my previous videos with only one small update, Arya and Gendry dialog 1:09:19.

Everything is in story mode – text and not narrated with a lot of unique pictures edited in Photoshop

Warning Possible spoilers !!!

Bran tells Jon he is a Targaryen
Daenerys is pregnant
Jon fights the Night King
Jaime will save Jon Snow
Bran Stark will warg a White Walker and will be hurt
The Night King will touch Dany’s womb
Bran is hurt, he in tied to the Weirwood tree now

Most audio: by Chris Zabriskie

more audio: GoT covers from Sourjah:



  1. As always great video my Lord..i love your fantastic work..Your leaks/predictions are better than those reddit ''leaks''..are well based on the shows story,they make more sense and they fit to the bittersweet end that George has promised to us…Keep continue your fantastical work..I love you.

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