Game of Thrones Season 8 | Early Predictions

13 brief predictions for Game of Thrones season 8.


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  1. There is nothing here that others have not already posted and have been posting for weeks. Also, why predict arya's death without predicting how she will die. That point is worthless to listeners. Time to unsubscribe

  2. The issue I have with Dany's death is that it's almost certain that she will give birth to a child. Now, the pace of next season has got to be faster because it's the final act and the stakes are much higher now. That doesn't leave a lot of time in the season for Dany to get pregnant and then give birth. Basically, because we can be fairly sure that Jon and Dany's child is going to survice (I think the child is the 'sweet' in this bittersweet ending) that covers Dany with a lot of plot armour until at least the very end. Dany dying and the child dying too would be much too tragic and when coupled with Cersei losing her child next season, I think it;s much more likely that one queen will lose a child and go mad as a result and the other will bear a child.

    No, I believe Jon will not survive because he's already living on 'borrowed time' and he has sort of accepted this himself. He knows that he has been given a second shot at life to achieve something and when those tasks are done he will welcome death.

    That leaves you with Dany. I'm not sure if she'll die too because as I've said, there are thing being foreshadowed which make it a bit difficult to see how she could die. On the other hand, she had a vision where she wasn't able to touch the iron throne and I think the ending where both main characters are dead but their child survives is just appropriately bittersweet.

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