Game of Thrones Season 8 Prep | Foreshadowing What You Missed Part 12
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Game of Thrones series on foreshadowing, hints and parallel moments in the show. What were they hiding in Game of Throne right under our noses telling us what was going to happen. In this Game of Thrones series we will start in season 1 episode 1 “Winter is Coming” and go through and find every foreshadowing clue, hint, and parallel moments in every episode to date. Here we continue S1 E4 “Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things”. Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!
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A Dragon Raised By Wolves
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what if Sansa's questioning the secession is foreshadowing if women becoming the dominant forces of weteros? Tyrell, Lannister, Mormont, Greyjoy, Martell… so many houses are now ruled by women after the war of the five kings.
The Iron Throne in the books is monstrously huge and disproportionate. It's imposing, towers over the room and there are steps on the throne itself leading to the seat. It's definitely made of the thousands of swords of Aegon The Conquerer's enemies. The show failed here IMO. Doesn't ruin it tho.
That conversation with Septa Mordane at 5:14 is an odd sort of foreshadowing of another conversation between Sansa and Littlefinger in season 6, episode 10.
My comment got erased after i typed it. So in summary, fuck sansa stark and the bow legged septon she rode in on.
Don't think anyone mentioned this – another connection with cats is Arya taking the name Cat of the Canals when working with the Faceless Men in Braavos, where Syrio hails from. (Certainly happens in the books, don't remmeber about the show).
Sansa is one of the characters I feel could be a huge payoff if we get to spend more time with her. There's a lot behind the curtain. Kinda like little finger. There are many things going on but we cannot see it yet
Thank you for all of the new videos…you are getting me through the off season!! LOL You're the best.
she can have just girls as kids, its no problem , as all men must die, and all big armies are controlled by females except the north, and going forward if there is one person I am pretty sure will not live happily ever after when the show ends…Its Lord snow., one could also say a female , in sansa is responsible for the North having an army atall now.
on another note…. that maid/sister sansa is talking to, could have passed as her mums sister/relation. very similar looking
please tell me what's up with the patience symbol and all other Japanese things behind you. and in the video, thanks for the Joffrey dying scene! That poor actor, he did a great job. also, I wouldn't mind seeing Sansa back work Tyrion, but would rather see her fall in love with the Hound, who obviously loved her.
sick mo fo.. haha
What about when Ned said. "It´s a hard fall down the stairs" in the same scene at the end and then in Season 6 Arya actually does fall down the stairs in Bravoos, when she runs away from the Waif?
Was it episode four when Ned tells Arya, "We can not fight a war amongst ourselves"? S8 E10, Jon tells Sansa, "We cannot fight a war amongst ourselves."
Packed vid man thank you. I like the of in the show Sansa ending up with Tyrion by her own choice… would be interesting for both of in terms of character arcs and final fates. I always felt Bran would end up stuck up north lol….hope that does not happen. After you showed it that bathtub scene now seems a wink from the writers as what is come. Keep it up.
Love the choke scene

Thank you for the great death scene. He sounded like a baby. By the way, love the Asian knick knacks. I'll have to send you something from my homeland to add to it. ; >
when ned agrees you have to be fast to catch a cat i think he means Kat
Littlefinger said he wanted the Iron Throne & Sansa by his side. Her married to him & having his children would be way too creepy. I hope this wasn't what the Septa was foreshadowing.
Anyone going to Game of Thrones con or Ice and Fire con? I can't decide which one to go to! I can't find much information on either of them. Usually cons put up schedules but neither of them have them.
Can someone explain to me , season 4 ep 10. when jon goes out to meet the wildings.. Stannis meets them.. How did Stannis's army get around the wall.
these are so interesting! thank you!
What I find interesting about the 'what if I only have girls' comment is that it seems as if things are leaning toward female rulers. Lots of them.
I feel like i just wasted 10 minutes waiting for you to arrive at the point.. wich never happened O.o
I have a theory Chris. when Yara and Theon went to see Danny she told them they could rule the Iron Islands themselves but had to give up the pirating ways. I like you think there will be no throne at the end so no king or queen to rule the 7 kingdoms. like the Iron Islands all will rule themselves. What you think?
I literally lol'd at the replay of Joffrey's death. Gratuitous, and hilarious.
As always Thanks for doing this; you rock. I love the scene between Ned and Arya on the stairs, is this the scene that Ned tells her when winter comes the loan wolf dies but the pack survives?? (If it is) I think that is a huge foreshadowing that may payoff when all the Stark kids, left alive, reunite at Winterfell. Which I really hope we get to see. Can't wait for next vid!!
sansa preggo by Ramsey! !! jumpin baby boy!!!lol
Aaaaaaaah………….the candle wax ! Good catch !
aaaaaaannnnndddd subbed…
I think that Bran may eventually make it to the Gods eye, he may even hook up with the remaining children of the forest. He could become Bran the Builder due to him already possessing magic.
For what it's worth, my read on the scene with Sansa in the throne room is that she and Septa Mordane are hung up on the conventional wisdom that only a man can inherit the throne. Sansa can, at best, expect to be Queen at a man's side, with daughters who can only expect the same. This expectation is important, because whether the IT survives the war to come or not, women will become rulers or heads of state. Daenerys' ancestors were responsible for the law regarding female rule in the Council of 101, and Daenerys will be responsible for abolishing that rule, IMO. It may happen differently in the book, but I feel certain it will happen.
Keep em coming Chris, well done. Like medication I go straight to each episode and rewatch after these videos and it's like medication for my GOT withdrawal syndrome…..(say woof to Riddick for me)
Chris. Everyone knows the Last Dragon is Bruce Leroy.
Love these dam vids keep it up bro. Any other series coming?
Along with the dragon glass, there is the horn that can control the dragons.
hey, didn't Bran the builder say that he built the wall according something that a "boy" told him? so maybe the Bran that we know was talking to the other Bran in dreams.
Viserys in the bath scene. Ugh. The guy needs several cheesesteaks or something. He is skinnier than Daria even
Littlefinger said he had a picture of himself on the iron throne with Sansa by his side in his mind, so…
And yes, I think, Bran is going to be Brandon the Builder, at least in mind. And can become one of Jon's advisors in the small council. I think, Jon will be king and Dany will die, so…
I think, you missed in Sansa's throne room scene, that the story of Brandon and Rickard Stark burnt to death foreshadowed her public humiliation by Meryn Trant, and she almost get killed by Joffrey with the crossbow.
Chris, you made it to our little reddit
Aaaaaaah I can't wait for part #13 tnx for the video