Game of Thrones Season 8 Prep | Foreshadowing What You Missed Part 13
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Game of Thrones season 8 series on foreshadowing, hints and parallel moments in the show. What were they hiding in Game of Throne right under our noses telling us what was going to happen. In this Game of Thrones series we will start in season 1 episode 1 “Winter is Coming” and go through and find every foreshadowing clue, hint, and parallel moments in every episode to date. Here we continue S1 E4 “Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things”. Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!
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A Dragon Raised By Wolves
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Gendry decided to stay with a tool he knows: he uses the hammer to forge swords, and decides to wield a war hammer.
But we he decides to join the battle, he goes to Jon Snow.
The meeting between Jon and Gendry was made to mirror Ned and Robert's meeting.
you should have mentioned how Dany hit Viserys with the Gold belt that could very well have become the "crown" he received
Other than Vaserys being an asshole, why wouldn't he be a "true dragon"? He's still a Targaryen, same as Dany. The fact that he's hurt by fire..what does that mean exactly? Were there other Targaryen's who were and weren't immune to fire??
I would say Thorne was wrong because when shit hit the fan Sam is the only one to kill an other. If I had choose I'd hang with the Slayer haha
The Jaime Dilemma= When your have to guard your King while he cheats on your sisterwife and disgraces your children of incest. And do it with honor.
" letting us know that her brother ain't shit " LMAO you the GOAT
Great series!
I don't believe the Citadel and its library are located in the High Tower. That building is SUPPOSED TO BE just the seat of the (ever so creatively named) House Hightower.
do you want a man at your back, or sniveling boy. foreshadowing for alistar Thorne and Oli.
Appreciate yall keeping up with the awesome theory/foreshadowing vids.
John making the comment about not fitting into the world with the r+l=j carved into pole behind the other two guys , so many little details
Certainly understand your need to trim the runtime of the videos so that you can continue to provide your now-addicted fans with their near-daily fixes. Can we send vitamins? Red Bull? Something peppy from Doc Qyburn?
I've watched 6 seasons of this, and there are still so many scenes where I need to hide my eyes. Too gory!
I love your foreshadowing series. I think it's your best work.
Very good detail, this is one of my favorite episodes and you explained it well
Notice when the squire knight hugh died at tourney arya looked on w intrigue n sansa looked traumatized lol a lil foreshadowing of their next couple years imho. and pleaseee tell me if the WW actually saw sam when he got left behind or was it an angle he couldn't see him n the show was just toying w us??? i needa know! maybe they were leaving him to tell the others they were coming? like the ranger from season 1 scene 1 ep 1. this is really bothering me…lol
Order 66 this channel for tagging Jason Genova
I don't know why people assume that Jon I is a bastard, from what wee know of rhegar and lyanna,they aren't the type of people to have a child out of wedlock,the assumption should be that they were married which is very possible because aegon had two wives.
Medieval blanket party…hahahahaha
love this series makes me rewatch everything and enjoy all over again
Thanks Chris for another great episode of foreshadowing.
Good stuff. I had not put the knife in the eye the conversation Jamie had with the man. Makes the move all the more vindictive if possible. The show did not do a good job showing the size and variety of duties in the night's watch. I could not blame Sam for being a bad jock when he was clearly a book need lol.
Sam must have a serious thyroid problem. All that walking and he hasn't lost a pound.
Ned Stark to Gendry. " there is nothing to forgive". Jon Snow. " There is nothing to forgive my lord"
King of the north.
I never comment on your videos but I have to say that you are "That Dude" when it comes to breaking down GOT. Keep em coming
Gendry and his arms!
no matter how many times i see the scene, i can't figure out why Layton Hightower is sending out white Ravens???? wont that be confusing as the Citadel must be sending their own 'Winter is Here' white ravens round about the same time?