Game of Thrones Season 8 Prep | Foreshadowing What You Missed Part 16 1.5.2
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Prepare for Game of Thrones Season 8 with this series on foreshadowing, hints and parallel moments in the show. What were they hiding in Game of Thrones right under our noses telling us what was going to happen. In this Game of Thrones series we will start in season 1 episode 1 “Winter is Coming” and go through and find every foreshadowing clue, hint, and parallel moments in every episode to date. Here we continue S1 E5 “The Wolf and the Lion”. Thanks for watching! Please Like, share and subscribe!

Foreshadowing Playlist:

How Game of Thrones Will End for Jon Snow
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

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  1. you missed the fact that LF is a skinchanger. Arya has chased a Cat under the red keep at syrios direction. Arya overhears illirio, varys scheming. LF brings up the meeting with a certain foreign dignitary. Who was present? Arya, Illirio, Varys and the Cat. Syrio knows someone is warging the cats to spy and orders arya to catch them all. LF is either warging or has a warg in his employ. QOT.🌹

  2. Hi Smokescreen … some info to think about … "the blood of the dragon" could be roman empire conquering Britain … The symbols of Astapor and Yunkai were similar to Roman Legions … and the Titan of Braavos is looking like a roman Soldier… this could mean Winterfell is Camelot and Bran the Builder is King Arthur and the wall is "the Hadrianswall" … could be that white walkers are Pikten and Scoten, what means Scotland… and the NK is build up from the story William Wallace. ..the scene with Sam meeting the WW first time and the Cam big on the horse-head is from Braveheart also the rising of the arms from NK as William Wallace rides to the Fort and starts revenge for Murron.
    the dark night – is really called dark age because there were indeed no written infos in that time.
    Also it´s british history fighting themseves for the Crown.
    what´s the meaning for the show??? I don´t know LOL
    But "the dragon" will leave … one way or another… and there will be much kills on the way…
    and Lightbringer could be the sword of Braveheart… or maybe Excalibur ….
    I don´t know where GRRM put the stories together and which way he follows
    But a photograph from Queen Elisabeth watching the Iron Throne should state that a game of thrones is british history.

  3. I still think, that when Bran tries to destroy the Tully-pin on the table, he destroys the Tully-side inside him. You will never hear later to speak about her mother again. And he does not think on Jon like his bastard brother (Cat's bad influence on the Stark children), than only his brother, whom he trusts. And what is if I belong to the North? – asks Osha later. You don't see any of Cat's bad influence and the Tully-behaviour on Bran later. He destroys his Tully-side with that pin.

  4. Bro, I love your Q&A's, but this story seems a bit too rushed for me, like there will always be content for later on but seems you're pushing it. actively, in your series you'll be done before season 7 is underway, and you'll have nothing left. moving too fast. Woosaa. Theres still another 2 seasons to go, bur you're acting like all the forshadowing will be done by then. Fuck no. this will continue throughout the seasons. "Forshadowing season 1, episode 1" is outrageous to me. Chill. you're going way too fast. relax. do maybe season by season, not episode per episode. just my opinion

  5. Great video. It helps so much during this long wait. I love that scene where Yoren sees Arya and whisks her out of King's Landing; exactly like in the book but we don't know for a fact that Ned alerted Yoren to Arya, it just shows the loyalty of the north to the Starks and the Watch's respect to the family. The scene of Yoren getting to Arya before she sees Ned's fate never gets old.

  6. I know this question doesn't pertain to the current video. But I was wondering if it was ever known who the flayed men were hanging on the crosses in the battle of the bastard? The HBO teaser clearly showed flayed men but everyone is accounted for. Just an HBO oops?

  7. Love this series of videos. it's amazing going back and seeing how much thought was put into each scene. You notice a lot of things I've never thought of. Thanks for the incredible detail in your videos!

  8. Arya and cat chasing…. I like how it sets up a familiarity with the castle, through exploration, that will save her life just a few episodes away! Thanks for a great video…….

  9. @4:24 the line that stands out (to me) "The tears of Lys" is that later in the series when the Red Viper is talking to Lord Varys in the Throne Room he nails where he is from even though Varys (an actor by trade?) had completely disguised his accent. The Red Viper took it a step further by even nailing the city Varys is from… Lys… The Tears of Lys

  10. Great foreshadowing videos! You could probably do a video on that conversation between Jon Snow and Measter Aemon. The "Wind and words" conversation. After that conversation, we see how love killed Drogo. We also see how love was partly responsible for Neds death. Caitlyn told Ned to trust little finger…. I'm not sure if you guys already mentioned these.

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