Game of Thrones Season 8 What You Missed Part 26


Prepare for Game of Thrones Season 8 with this series on foreshadowing, hints and parallel moments in the show. What were they hiding in Game of Thrones right under our noses telling us what was going to happen. In this Game of Thrones series we will start in season 1 episode 1 “Winter is Coming” and go through and find every foreshadowing clue, hint, and parallel moments in every episode to date. Here we finish S1 E8 “The Pointy End”. Thanks for watching! Please like, share and subscribe!

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Game of Thrones Foreshadowing

How Game of Thrones Will End for Jon Snow

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  1. You mention mercy in relation to Robb and Ned, Mercy is the name Arya gives to Lady Crane before she's supposed to kill her. And after she decides to not kill her is when the Waif starts chasing her through the streets T2 style.

  2. I'm sorry, but I feel more pain about how DnD played my boy Barristan the Bold than I do about The Red Wedding…. imagine if Ser Barrastan had still been around for Dany 's return to Westeros on the show?!? Ooooh, snap! I trust that GRRM will play Selmy right in the books.

  3. it does say time and time again that there must be a stark at winterfell,but what about when all the Starks were gone when the bolted first took it over? Jon was at the wall art a was not tgere,sans a was at kings landing,Robb was dead,as was cat,Rifkion was missing,bran was north. Not sure for how long but they were gone.

  4. Hey guys. Wondered if you'd be able to answer my question on your live Q&A this evening please? I'm in the UK so it'll be around 4am here when you get going and would love to hear my Q answered when i watch the stream tomorrow 🙂

    Q&A – Would love to know what you think the final scene of the show will be…i know this depends on what happens during the next 2 seasons but do you have any thoughts? Perhaps Tyrion sat at Casterly Rock sipping on Imps Delight? Or perhaps the crowning of a new King/Queen? Whatever it is it's got to be good to round off this amazing show. So, what do you think?

    Love your videos, they keep me going through work 😀

  5. they should just bring qyburn to the wall to examine the 'samples of walkers' bet he could figure out how to kill them. i imagine he would love to be able to do that the way he is with death and reanimation

  6. Robb talking about mercy for that scout was a ploy, a tactic, he let him go so that Tywin thinks 20 000 of them are coming, but he ofc(as u know) divided the army and won. Had nothing to do with 'whats right'.

  7. Hey Chris, it's so quiet on the GOT front right now! No new teasers, leaks or juicy theories. Maybe it's time for you to go out of town so that we can get a new teaser, hopefully with actual footage from season 7. So, what are you waiting for? Time for a little weekend in the woods for you, don't you think?

  8. you may not want to answer this but I have to ask. how come you didn't join the golden company with talking thrones, grey area etc. i just thought where u did a video together with talking thrones you were all talking together. I would of loved to see you in that group. but i'm sure there's reasons. hopefully not bad reasons but if you don't want to answer it's fine. still love your vids and keep up the great work

  9. You know… I get how Oberyn was mad that his sister and her kids were killed. And technically, Tywin gave the order.

    However, it was a full on rebellion against the Targaryens. Robert's Rebellion. Ok fine Elia was a Targaryen by marriage and COULD have been spared, I guess. BUT her kids were definitely Targaryens and I'm sure Robert would not have been happy about keeping anyone with a claim to the throne alive.

    So it's not like Tywin ordered them killed on a lark.

  10. Q&A:

    Everyone keeps telling Jon Snow that he knows nothing, starting with Ygritte. In the books, a wildling man has to "steal" the woman he wants to be with. Could it be that when Rhaegar "kidnapped" Lyanna, he took her north of the wall? By wildling laws, if he did, he would have "stolen" her, and they would have been married (or close enough to the equivalent). Melisandre could have seen this in the flames and Ygritte could have heard stories about it, and realized who Jon Snow was and that was why they kept telling him he knows nothing? Please let me know what you think.

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