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  1. In the very end of season 8 I predict that Cersi will die on the iron throne (killed by Jamie) while the city is overthrown by either the people of kings landing or other houses rising up. Jon and Danny will meanwhile be fighting the White Walker (they are in a relationship at this point) and both die, together at the end of the episode finale, but will defeat the knight king and his army. Sansa would have killed little finger in S7 and Arya will be fighting at the north along side Jon and the other Northern houses. Tyrion will then take the seat of the iron throne with Jamie at his side.

  2. Gemma Whelan said that this season 7 is the last when interviewed on the Graham Norton Show and there is no season 8.Season 7 will be split into two sections 7 episodes then a break then 8 episodes.So presumably filming is completed or nearly completed.Don't know if she meant to let it slip or it's common knowledge but i assumed there was still another season to go not so according to her.

  3. I HATE PREQUELS – think Star Wars! NOOOOOO ! There is PLENTY we can use for a jump into the future. Read this for plenty of insights as to how you could jump not very far into the future and have LOTS of fun. Jaime will be Azor Ahai. Cersei, under attack by the White Walkers, will set the throne room on fire with her sticky Greek (Wyld) fire, getting some on her, and Jaime will have to stab her to put her out of her excruciating pain. Some of the Greek fire will coat his sword and will catch on fire as he withdraws it. The Night King will be near enough for him to use it on him (see later in my paragraph for how). When the Night King dies, all of the reanimated bodies will instantly drop dead again, and the grown up Craster baby boys will stand there looking confused. Jaime will finally be redeemed, by saving the kingdom from THREE mad king/queens. GRR Martin asks about redemption — how many ATTABOYS it takes to undo an OHSH*T? It will take saving Westeros from THREE major baddies (the Mad King, The Mad Queen, and the Night King) to undo all of the lower level evil he has committed. He has been near death himself multiple times, and "Born Again" both his way, and by admitting his crimes to multiple people. he;s the best fighter in the realm, even with a metal hand. In fact, the metal hand will save him when the Night King slices that direction, not knowing that it's not just a metal glove. If he survives all of this, he will get a hot blonde Brienne, and they may actually make babies that are not inbreds this time around. THAT is bittersweet — Jaime has to kill his sister, and she is really in excruciating pain, and cries out that she loves him, and he still has to kill her. He and Brienne will go back to Evenfall Hall, on the island of Tarth, where she is the sole surviving heir. and his little brother Tyrion will set up the new Democracy (which, like the Arab Spring, will lead to lots of fun in a follow up series). If Littlefinger doesn't get Sansa killed, Sansa is still married to Tyrion, and will happily be first lady. Jon will be sterile (he's reanimated, remember?). So if he marries Dany, she has to make love to Jorah to make babies :). Bran gets to marry Meera and will replace the 3 Eyed Raven. Arya will come up from behind Littlefinger and slit his throat, just as he stood behind her father and betrayed him while he is watching the fight between the Hound and the Mountain. The Mountain will be on the verge of killing his brother when Bran will warg into him and make him pick the Night KIng up and toss him toward Jaime, so Jame fights an injured Night King. Since The Mountain is already reanimated, the Night King can't control him. Arya and Gendry will get married and rule Robert's former lands — remember, Gendry is in love with her. Varys will save the day in the sea battle with Euron by calling his Mermen to help :). Little Bear will marry Robyn and pussy whip him. He will like it, because she will be like his mom. Sam will fix the horn and summon both giants and the ice dragon under the wall. Bran will warg the Ice Dragon. Sam's dad will refuse his technology, get taken out by White Walkers, and we will cheer. Sam and Gilly will inherit what's left. Jon and Arya's wolves lead the huge pack of wolves in the battle with the zombies, as their limbs are pretty easy to tear off. The limbs are still animated, but easier to beat up by the soldiers. The soldiers will have spears with dragon glass, ans Sam will rad about where a hug cache of Valyrian steel swords are (they are in the Winterfell tombs, and also back in Valyria or Dragonstone — Jorah can go fetch after finding the cure to Greyscale, so people aren't afraid to fight their way in. Half of the Sand Snake ladies will die in battle, but the rest will pair off with Dothraki dudes and whip them into submission. we need some spicy survivors for the followup series. Dany's hubby Daario will be on his way across the water as the series ends, foreshadowing a major 4 way for Dany (with Jon, Jorah, and Daario).

  4. I think that it would be careless for them to NOT do a spin off! They are making much much mula!!  Although, in all honesty, I think GoT just makes the world a better place and I would be so disappointed if there wasn't anything to watch.  I love the novels, of course. but I don't get together with friends on Sunday and have Book Reading Parties!  lolol  .  Hmm maybe I should start..I absolutely love your videos. You are 100% reliable for good info! Thanks for that.

  5. Sounds like D&D want a break or move away from GOT all together. It depends on who produces the spinoff as to when airing begins. Personally, I'd like to see the Targaryen history but that might take HBO 12 years from beginning to end. Dunk and Egg up to Rhagar's death would be a very nice follow to GOT and might be a 5 year commitment for HBO. Or HBO may opt for increased length of the shows and reduced episodes like a mini-series. Wouldn't that be fantastic…2 hour episodes for 8 weeks!…one can dream! Whatever they do I'd like to know about Bravos founders, the Bravosy Bank, Little Finger's family and even scenes of him growing up in Riverrun. So much to wish for!

  6. They should do a long night spin-off. They could have a "Who is Azor Ahai" storyline in that too like they have in GoT. I mean we don't know who the original Azor Ahai was so if there was a long night spin-off, we wouldn't really know how it would end. It would be cool to see the founding of some houses and how Ice became the Stark's sword. The building of Winterfell, The Dreadfort, and the Wall. The Night's King would be cool to see. There would just be so much content that we don't even know about so it would be just as suspenseful as GoT (compared to doing a prequel because we know how that ends.) The amount of new magic, characters, and places would be immense. The building of Storms End and the legends surrounding that, How the North was United under the Starks. The relationship between wildings and northerners before the wall was errected. So much.

  7. I think roberts rebellion has a nice chance as well. They have already cast some of the principals. I think there would have to be a bit of a break between series but no more than 2 years.

  8. Spinoff i would like to see::1 THE DOOM OF VALYRIA2 THE DEATH/ FALL OF GHISCARI EMPIRE.3-AEGON CONQUEST OF WESTEROS4-THE DANCE OF THE DRAGON(THE TARGARYEN CIVIL WAR)this is the best cause this is what caused the extinction of the Dragons.and to see the last dragon dying.

  9. so what your saying is instead of 10 episodes I'm gonna get 6 episodes this season. n 7 episodes next season with there only being 13 episodes in all . I'm gonna have a episode every other episode. this season with every episode.

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