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  1. Here's my new Game Of Thrones Season 8 Valyrian Steel video. Let me know if you want them to bring on more swords from the books. I know everyone wants to see some of the Horns! Posting new Rick and Morty next. I've already posted my Non-Spoilery Star Trek Episode 1 video!

  2. I'm always so much thankful for your channel and your hardwork on these videos, you help me keep up with the Game of Thrones world during this depressing period without any new episodes (or books…) !

  3. I would not consider it disapointing if a small dagger is the key to kill the big dragon or the Night King.
    First of all: in Lord of the Rings the Witchking was destroyed by a Hobbit with an ancient dagger and a woman ("Could be killed by no man") and second: you have to get pretty close to someone to use a dagger!

  4. I just have the show cut out so many important characters from the book and so with that the swords too. Also, I am so surprised they haven't gotten Howland Reed on the show yet. They should've atleast mentioned him in a conversation or something.

  5. I think Sam could give Hertsbane to Ser Jorah actually, cause these two already have a good history together. Also, it is obvious that there is magic in valyrian steel, cause it shatters white walkers into dust, so im sure there will be more lore covered on it. Considering that episodes in S8 are supposed to be much longer, we may even get a lot of fluff covered there and will have all of the questions answered and resolved.

  6. Hi Charlie!

    Why did valyrians make only weapons from valyrian steel? They could make armour, shield etc. (it's lighter, stronger). Ok, I know that it could have cost a fortune, but valyrians were crazy rich…


  7. 1. Valyria was founded after Long Night.
    2. They had all things needed to kill White Walkers
    So is it possible that Valyria was created by veterans of first Battle of a Dawn or even Azor Ahai. Maybe at the beginning of Valyria they ware preparing for next Long Night but after centuries it was forgotten.

  8. Does Bran only have knowledge of stuff that happened in westeros or is it the whole world. Because if he does know everything ever why doesn't he just go back to old Valyria and see how they made it

  9. im wondering if they are saving euron for a series after season 8, or maybe Martins "bittersweet" ending is just the left over population of westeros having to move east using the greyjoy fleet if theon takes back the seastone chair.

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