The anticipation is in the air! This GOT teaser has no new information with in it, but it still has all the weight of an official trailer. This is great way to build the hype before the start of season 7. We can not wait!
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Looking back at this trailer, they actually show that 1 of the dragons die, at the start there are 3 dragons and at the end before everything crumbles there are only 2
"White Walker sigil" You called it, girl.
BTW, great to see a non-staged, real reaction video without all the overacting.
I have a major crush in the guy with the white shirt. Just saying.
New GOT.S7 trailer is out… Review
Please do reaction on Game of thrones season 7 official new promo ' Long Walk ' it's awesome
"that was only a minute!? Walking dead that's how you do pacing!"
I died laughing.
That shit gave me CHILLS when I first saw it. I was at work, and nearly fell out my damn chair!
Burn Them All!! We are Iron Born, we take what is ours! Anyone who isn't us is an enemy! Gosh.. sooo many great speeches, I'm excited for Daenerys whoopin some highborn ass! lol and that eye at the end.. that's.. different
Dont know If you read these, but I have been subscribed for a year or two now and you honestly are one of My favourite channels on YouTube. I am normally not that into reactions but you have got me watching shows at the same Time. So fun to watch your reaction afterwards. Just rewatched the hate comments video and just wanted to say this. Everyone of you is so great. Love from Finland!
only one thing i can say hype for IT
You reacted to the sigil trailer? Wtf xdxd
Please react to Baahubali 2: the Conclusion trailer. Must watch!!!
Naavi have BIGGG mouth
So I watch your guys videos every day you got me crazy obsessed over Fargo watched 20 hours straight.The same director and writer runs Legion the biggest mindfuck I've ever seen it's comparable to The Wall by Pink Floyd super trippy . Most of the Fargo Directors are from the Show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia You Need To Watch that show it's a liberal commentary on how the American Dream isn't what it's sought out to be and very cynical. They covered issues in the first season 13 years ago that's are in the forefront of politics. They just finished their 12 season. You guys need to watch It's Always sunny it's all on Netflix and FXNOW ( new episodes )
oh have I missed you guys.
This is gonna be insane.
Btw, guys, this is actually fan made.
Is this a foreshadowing of The Wall crumbling this season?
Did you guys every see the special Game of Thrones 18 hrs in Paint Hall about the creative side of ep 9&10 season 6
"The same thing is coming for all of us, there's only one war that matters, the Great War, and it is here" how much you wanna bet Jon says this to everyone at the dragon pit scene.
The spiral is from the spiral of rocks around the weirwood tree where the Night King was created.
Can't wait for the REAL trailer.Season 7 is going to be INSANE.
Winter is coming in July… I guess global warming is bullshit after all
Game of Thrones > The Walking Dead. Just saying.
Since when did Mia Khalifa join the normies??
Omg I seen a photo of the knight King on a dragon and if he kills or when he kills one of danys dragon that's gonna be a brutal sad moment
That got weird towards the end….
….with all the shoe-sniffing.
I'm strangely aroused.
I'm just sayin'…
watch into the Badlands
watch into the Badlands
watch into the Badlands
The writing of the last two season's was terrible, and with the leaks coming out doesn't look like it'll get better.
Finally!! The truth is revealed… Suraj is a shoe sniffer!
OMG…excellent video. I am still laughing over the shoe. Now all of us know that some of the Normies are into a shoe smelling fetish…. ROTFL!
GoT…it broke the mold… I just hope that they don't rush it and fuck up the ending ..leaving Normies and us peasant (unNormies) disappointed
The eye at the end of the video wasn't the Night King
It was Viserion.
What is her job if its not a secret)
I want to know who did this animation?
What HP laptop is that?
Jon's dialogue is brand new
Does Suraj usually sniff shoes? Ya'll didn't look too surprised