In another sign that Game of Thrones season 8 is wrapping up, Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) is allowing her natural brunette roots to grow back, pushing out the silver-blonde hair color we all know and love.

This was the first time she’d actually dyed her hair rather than using a wig, as she explained to The Age:

It was like, ‘Well, it’s now or never.’ So I did it and it’s cut [hair and makeup] time in the morning, so my 3am [wake-up] turned into 3.30am. I was like, ‘Why didn’t I do this eight years ago?’

Not long ago, Clarke said a heartfelt goodbye to the show on Instagram. Now that the her roots are back, there can be little doubt that she’s done filming her scenes…forever. Excuse me while I go cry. When Kit Harington (Jon Snow) cuts his hair, we’ll know it’s really over.

Speaking of Harington, the above photo of Clarke was taken in Aberdeen, Scotland, where Harington and costar Rose Leslie (Ygritte) will get married tomorrow at Lickleyhead Castle, which is owned by Leslie’s family.

Clarke isn’t the other cast member in the area. Fans have also spotted Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark)…

…and Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister:

And we can expect more shortly. We’re sure the cast and crew is feeling wistful now that filming is almost over, but what better way to celebrate their time on the show than at the wedding of two of its best-known stars?

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