Shop Beardbrand:
Is that Mountain in the barber seat? Charlie takes out on a best worthy of Westoros today.
Enormous Viking Beard Trim
Big Natural Red Beard Trim
Massive Black Curly Beard gets Trimmed | ASMR
Beardbrand is a men’s grooming company that is helping men keep on growing by providing education and tools for urban beardsmen to master their morning routine. We’ve found that confidence starts with self investment, and allows men to do great things for their families, co-workers, and community. We are working to break down the negative stereotypes that surround bearded men, and show the world it’s the man who matters, not the way he looks.
Gentleman and Rouges Club
347 Ashley Rd, Poole BH14 0AR, UK
Cut & Grind
25 D’Arblay St, Soho,
London W1F 8EJ, UK
That trim had nothing to do with GoT, lol
Game of thrones? How is this Game of thrones? xD
Good beard, good cut.
The song at 2:00 in the backround, reminds me of gta san andreas xD
stiking1 or Dan Bilzerian style beard trim???
I want this cat to cut my hair and beard!
Fucked buddys soul patch part right up, if you pause at 12:03 you can see the soul patch part under his bottom lip is very uneven with different length hairs going in four or more directions. Before the trim it was one length all going in one direction that it was combed. That part should have been left along, it is a very common mistake many barbers make. Shity thing is that part takes a long time to grow back too, what a pitty. I know a lot of people are going to flame this comment but it is what it is, if you don't believe me watch some other Beardbrand videos where people talk about those things I pointed out. Also check out George Bruno's videos here on youtube, if you want to argue argue with them:p This is just my opinion.
Barber needs to trim his nails.
What Maschine is this wenn make the beard lines??
As a barber based in Bournemouth I really like the the shop and the work you guys do! Keep it up!
These boys trim my bonce and beard on a regular basis. Easily one of, If not the best barbers in the UK #gentlemanandrogues
Killer cut – awesome!!
Great cheek line amigo-advice
Carlos to the rescue!
why didn't he line him up?
This barber makes everything so clear, he's great
Pure artistry…. Amazing
This guys hair and beard is ditto to mine. I wish I could find a Barber like this guy who could make me look this good. I'm @ 8 months beard grown and need to be cleaned up. Don't knkw who to trust!
The best barber out there! Cool tattoos btw
Great barber!!
This young barber got some skills.
The tattoo on hes hand is so legit!
Whats the name of the shave gel. It looks very transparant.
carlos just face it you can't filme properly
I find this barber very talented and educational
Also find mr Costas suggestions very accurate
I think his beard looked fuller before the sides were cut short. If that was my beard I would have wanted just a little off the sides with the rest rounded out the way he did.
Keith Rulez!
I thought wahls were considered a cheap pair of clippers? I mean it looks great but I was always under the impression that really nice clippers were super expensive. Great beard too btw!
That is a champion cut
Very good barber, liked his tips.
where are yours shop/shops? I look like Tormund from Game of Trones and need a shave /haircut.
Man I love the guys at gentleman and rogues. I've learned to trim my own beard pretty well from these videos and you guys all seem rad. Great series