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Bran killed Hodor. That simple
This is a nice pitch but it strikes out logically because you will note that Bran (in the past) had ALREADY warged into old Hodor (in the present) and was ALREADY carrying himself (coma Bran) out of that door. Why would Bran attempt to warg into YOUNG Hodor when he is already controlling OLD Hodor. All we know is 1) Bran hears the voice of Meera in his time travel coma, 2) he wargs into Modern Hodor WHILE STILL in the past, 3) at some point before "Hold the door" Young Hodor is able to see Bran in the past, 4) Young Hodor sudenly gets the warg eyes (and that is where it jumps the shark. Why did he get warged?) 5) Young Hodor can now experience what Old Hodor is experiencing, and loses his f$#@&* mind from the sheer horror.
I guess it is more like, Bran's warg-stream somehow bridged himself, young, and old Hodor- all 3 together into one consciousness for the very last moment of Hodor's demise. So in essence, it was as if Young Hodor warged into his dying self.
By the way, we never ACTUALLY Saw Hodor die.
that was a sick story. brand damage is awesome. but time paradox in G.O.T., what is happened will happen in present. there is no one gets alive even they change past, cannot bring back alive. because it is already happened. if brand affected hodor in past because of this future, brand should aware of it already. its simply a mistake. and also being said, it is possible to wargs only. that means ned is warg as well. that connects the clues ned might not be dead. so right before he dies, he might have affected past of something. we will have to see.
I just got the Bran Damage pun
Hodor certainly had a brainschaden!
1:08 – 1:12 your hand movements just have me cracking up LOL. You were in deep theory mode.
Ha! Good guess
making of hodor frm villys by brain damage was neccessary , boz without his help bran stark couldn make his journey to three eye reven ,
Bran is and was the Three Eyed Raven. He is teaching himself… Think if you could time travel but don't want to mess with time, wouldn't you place yourself in a tree for you to find, away from everyone.
omg you got it right!
Well, this was about as right as you get.
WARP factor nine! Star-DATE 342.751! SEC-ond OPIN-ion, MR. Spock!
He wargs into Hodor in the future while being in the past causing "Hold the Door" Hodor outcome. This is how Willis is affected by the time meld and drops into a seizure. With your theory there would be no means to an end and GoT would be in a time loop. The ending would not even be "bittersweet" as the author clearly states, it would just make the books and the show suck.
yeah right he musta seen the leaked episode..
its almost like he knows
Jeez! You a medium or something? Read every spoiler out there, but could never guess the Hodor plot!
All racism aside.
Bro, you sound just like a black priest.
Subscribed all the way from Cyprus, yes you can google Cyprus
why are you saying Ho-DOOR like that?
Not gonna lie I half predicted the Hold the door thing. I was pondering weeks ago about hodor and what we knew about him, and wondered " what kind of name is hodor anyway?". And I thought more about the name, It's a name not heard before and that it sounds like syllables put together. I concluded that the name was made up out of two words.
guys…i present you the real 3 eyed raven.
now tell us how this fucking show ends