I love the show, I am just poking fun at the terrible writing this season, which is objectively bad. So, calm yourself please.

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A Song of Ice and Fire is loosely based on real history. We can thus conclude that the Mongolians invented the duckface, as we see it being acted out in the show by the fierce Dothraki.

As Conan wonders about the riddle of steel, we wonder about the riddle of Valyrian steel, does it kill wights? Season 5 says yes, season 7 says no. Because we can’t have Jon replace his epic sword with a dragonglass weapon like Tormund did, that would complicate things, and we at the D&D writing staff assume that GOT watchers are idiots, and therefore we do not want to over complicate things. Huh? Bad writing you say? LOOK THERE IS A DRAGON! That’s a good boy.

We now know how Jon survived several minutes in ice cold water, and the ride back to the wall afterwards. He is a merman.

Everything has to go by sea this season, else Euron would not seem like that much of a threat.

Tormund does not use his dragonglass weapon on the bear, because that would end the scene too quickly and we want to give Jorah some limelight.

Lastly we want you to forget about Moat Cailin.

❒ Music: Haddaway – What Is Love (Techno Remix) 🎧
❒ Episodes:
S07E06 Beyond the Wall
S07E05 Eastwatch
S07E04 Spoils of War
S05E08 Hardhome
S06E10 The Winds of Winter
S04E02 The Lion and the Rose
❒ Movies:
Conan the Barbarian (1982)
The Revenant
❒ Thumbnail: The Order of the Greenhand



  1. That sailing back and forth past sunspear was so fucking dumb…

    After season 6, my father was reading the books (he hasn't watched the show, ever), when he was half way through the 3rd book he told me: ''I'm pretty sure, when Daenerys comes, she will land in Dorne.'' Considering how Dany had an army of 100 000 (HUNDRED THOUSAND RIDERS) Dothraki, and allied with both Dorne and The Reach, I thought that was a pretty obvious thing she'd do. So not to spoil anything, I said tried to mislead him and said: Naaaaahhh, she'll land at Dragonstone like Aegon the Conqerour. That's how much I over-estimated the show writers.

    I can only imagine the conversation between D&D regarding where Dany would land:

    D: Daenerys has an army of 100 000 riders, that has never been at the sea, so what the should do is to get ashore as quickly as possible, so they can avoid a sea battle. And also because then Dany will have food from both Dorne and the Reach to feed her army.

    D: Yeahyeahyeahyeah, most of our viewers are dumb as fuck, so they won't ever think of that, let's just have her landing at Dragonstone

    D: But there, she'll be trapped with an army that never sails, and nothing to feed it.

    D: And I should care about that because???

    D: Because what made our show great, was realism with some fantasy elements here and there.

    D: Are you so fucking dumb? We already have the Dragonstone studio set up from season 1-4, so let's not put any extra effort in.

    D: Cool

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