I love the show, I am just poking fun at the terrible writing this season, which is objectively bad. So, calm yourself please.

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D&D’s epic writing:
► Alzheimer’s is kicking in for our good old pal Tormund. He seems to have forgotten that Mance Rayder’s refusal, had nothing to do with pride, but everything to do, with him not wanting his people to bleed in another war.

► Season 1 does not matter anymore, now Brann is the expert archer and Arya is the determined student, slow clap.

► Preston Jacob’s mentioned this in his review. Robb had the letter in the Neck, so how did it get back to Winterfell?

► Regarding dragonglass please check:

► D&D: Tyrion charged through the Mudgate! No he didn’t. Guys seriously, what the actual f.

► (We) back on line (We) came to ride
(We) build (We) stack (We) multiply
(We) stay on the grind (Until) we die
And back for mo’, cause we can’t get enough

Short term memory loss by Ronnie White
Preston Jacob
Sesame Street: Counting Bats with the Count – Four
Mario Gold Coin: Green Screen
Littlefinger by Reverendtundra
Apology from Game Of Thrones D B Weiss David Benioff jimmy kimmel
Thumbnail: The Order of the Green hand



  1. Sorry but most of these points are more illogical than season 7.

    1. Thormund didn't know about the conversation between Jon and Mance so he didn't hear him say "Fuck my pride"
    2. The moment of which Arya was talking could have been before the scene in season 1.
    3. In the beginning of season 7 maester Walken says that maester Luewin made a copy of every raven scroll. Robb had the original with him in the Riverlands but a copy remained at Winterfell found by Maester Walken
    4. Everyone one of the group beyond the Wall carries dragonglass weapons or other wight killing weapons. Jon has Longclaw, a Valerian steel sword, Beric has a flaming sword, the Hound smashes a wight with his hammer, sees that it is ineffective and switches to a dragonglass knife. Jorah doesn't draw his sword but his dragonglass bolo knife, Thormund has a dragonglass axe that is different from the one he uses on the polar bear and the wildlings have spears with dragonglass heads.

    Seriously if you want to bash a season for its idiocies make sure your own points are valid. This is just sad

  2. Ok I fucking cried of laughter at some parts but some of them are just nick picking, the arya training archery memory could've happend before the s1 episode 1 scene and the dragonglass sequence is rather ok , jon didn't have a dragonglass weapon when he encountered the first wight he later on received LongClaw, there is a scene though in Hardhome where he doesn't one shot a wight with it when he pins him down to a wall if I recall correctly.

  3. – No, Mance did sentence his people to die because of his pride. He may have denied it, enlisting them to Stannis might have been part of the reason as to why he didn't want to bend the knee, but in the long run, in Tormund's eyes, and perhaps all the wildlings', after seeing what the army of the dead did to their entire people, you can't blame them for blaming Mance's pride. If he swallowed it and bent the knee, then they all would have been saved. That's the long and short of it, and Mance is too smart to just decide, "Alright, so either everybody dies because of me or only a few in a foreigners' war – my life's work gone to waste." And like I mentioned before, regardless of all that, you can't blame Tormund for feeling that way – especially since he knew Mance better than we or Jon did, and saw what happened to their people because of him.

    – Why am I even bothering with this, if you completely misunderstand Arya telling the story of when she FIRST TRIED TO SHOOT?

    – I'm not sure I understand your gripe about the letter. For one, it's a young girl vs two wizened adults. And she even acknowledges that Sansa was "forced" to write it, and to Arya, the Starks and the North, it made Sansa look stupid and weak and the letter appear as a cowardly betrayal to her family. And it just gave Arya more cause to believe that Sansa, working with Baelish, may come to betray Jon.

    – How to use eyes? How to spot weapons clearly made from dragonglass?

    – That's just a nitpick – obviously Tyrion didn't mean he literally charged through it, but he still made a charge at it. He wasn't going to get caught up on semantics when he was trying to defend himself and make him look more heroic – especially when it involved a sneak attack. He was trying to make himself look better, obviously.

    – Yes, let's count – because there were 12 men in the second and third shot. It was twelve the entire time. Can't speak for that first shot though, that's a little weird.

  4. haha. Legendary. Far more thought when into this than the entire season of GOT. I bet Martin is either rich past the point of caring (if he did it for the money), or sobbing himself to sleep (if he is a purist) due to the botching of his masterpiece.

  5. as for how littlefinger got the latter, they sai maester lewin kept copies in winterfell, littlefinger just took the copy
    and the weapons that they used in that frozen lake were dragon glass

  6. I hope the writers hear all the criticism and really step it up for season 8. Because this show started going down hill in season 5 but at least 5 and 6 were good. I couldn't stand to watch 7.

  7. Is it really that complicated to understand that Arya's memory about practicing archery and being watched by Ned was long BEFORE the scene where she upstages Bran. Assuming she practiced by herself long hours in secret, she got that good later

  8. Their weapons were Dragon Glass in Beyond the Wall if you look closely (with the exception of Longclaw and Gendry's hammer). When the Wights start crossing the lake Jorah pulls out Dragon Glass daggers.

  9. I agree with most of the things you point out, but the part when arya tells the story of how she practised archery (and wasn't very good) and ned encouraged her was refering to an anterior scene, prior to the winterfell scene where bran gets humiliated. She got good because ned motivated her to keep on training until her prowess finally shown in the show. As for the line 'and which one of you was a marksman at ten' is aimed only at the boys. That's how I see it, at least. Slow clap undeserved.

  10. Whole Arya Sansa plot was ten times worse than Sandsnakes. The show should have revolved around Bran and Baelish only in Winterfell. There was no need for these chicks to quarrel for a dumb thing.

  11. This is well done,and true,but it seems a lot of people don't want to admit that season 7 was a load if horse crap.

    I bet you would get a lot more views if this was named just YTP.

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