Challenge yourself, your friends and family with this mini-series.

All levels available here:

Novice Level (Easy):
Acolyte Level (Medium):
Maester Level (Hard):
Grand Maester Level (Very Hard):
Archmaester Level (Insanely Hard):
Seneshal Level (Hardcore): COMING SOON

Answers are revealed after fifteen seconds (as shown by a count-down). Some of the questions may take longer to answer, especially if you are going up against friends and family and the video, therefore, may need to be paused before the counter reaches zero.

Questions relate to the book series A Song of Ice and Fire as cannon and not the television show adaptation.

Good Luck!



  1. On question 4 about the 7 kingdoms, you have the Riverlands and Iron Islands lumped together… do the Tully's rule the Iron Islands? I know the Greyjoys lost the right to be a kingdom when Baylon declared himself king but was defeated, but what exactly is the deal there?
    Also, what's up with the Crownlands? There's A LOT of extremely important real estate in that area there between the Vale and Stormlands… maybe the most important events in the story all went down there with places like the God's Eye, Harrenhal, Duskendale (I think), that city that took the Mad King hostage at one point, the Kingswood, King's Landing and Blackwater Bay, etc. Oh, and Dragonstone I think. Anyways, I thought I remembered a passage in the books that talked about it as one of the 7 with the ruler seated in King's Landing and took incomes from all of it's cities and stuff. Just wondering. I think there's actually like 9 possible kingdoms in Westeros, but because of the "Faith of the 7" they probably like to keep it at 7, no?

  2. I missed Margaery's Mother, never realized Podrick and Illyn were related at all (never connected both last names were Payne), Larence Snow, PoV chapter question, Hearteater answer, Tyrion's shield house sigil, there is a House Beesbury?, the levels of Red Keep dungeons, never heard of the Hammer of Water before, and I forgot Arya's ship name.

    So I scored 27. Not bad.


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