Part 3 of our Bloodraven Series, explaining why we believe the three-eyed crow isn’t Bloodraven

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Game of Thrones
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  1. Ayy lmao you guys need to chill it's just a show for the plebes + the seventh season was kinda shit (except for the AWESOME wight hunt) so no need for got theories about secondary characters no one cares about HICKSDHEY

  2. All of this makes a certain amount of sense. Maybe there's something past this point that will constructively respond to my point, but if all this is true then the author is lying. Not playing a little word game, but straight up lying.

    From his own mouth, nothing definitive will prove or disprove gods. A 3 eye'd crow that serves or is the other. Trees or children that are or serve the other. Especially with the crow, if you're right then I don't want anything more to do with these books.

    A puzzle is fun. Following clues to figure some things out so you can get more out the experience, is fun. But if the 3 eye'd crow is the personal manifestation of the great stupid other then that's a god suddenly appearing and both the author and the god giving us a wet willy. Marwyn, a black tree, Vhagar and the minds of his three riders absorbed into the gods eye. If the crow isn't connected to a single living person using it as a dream avatar then it proves a god and Martin didn't suggest we wouldn't be able to prove a god, he said it definitively.

    The reason I'm probably this upset is because you stand a good chance of being right. And if you are then I don't want to know. Because I don't like being lied to. You're probably right. And I'm burning my books, I'm done with this lying POS author. Thanks for wasting my time GRRM!!

  3. Doesn't it seem unlikely that GRRM would set up a great battle of good vs evil, when he is known for doing the opposite? In many of his other works, he portrays war, intolerance and fanaticism as the greatest enemy. To me, it seems strange that he would forsake that message and embrace the Tolkienesque idea of a "Just War".
    Any thoughts?

  4. Example of one of mental jumps: Hodor was afraid to enter the crypts==> the great other is there. I have to disagree here. Hodor was afraid of something but we don't know what that something/someone is.

  5. Question for you guys. Why do you think some people react so violently to some of your theories???

    Not so much here but I noticed that in any video where you state that you don't believe that L+R=J people flip their shit and call for you to be silenced or even hurt for stating your theories.

    It's a lot like the reactions of the devoutly religious when their beliefs are challenged.

    Why do you think people get so up in arms over someone's fan theories about a work of fiction that isn't even a religious text or based on religious dogma???

  6. As far as I can tell this a relatively unique  observation/theory.  You should get some of the other channels you've been doing live streams with to express their opinions as well. I would love to hear more takes on this material

  7. God, these videos are fascinating and totally distracting me from my dissertation write up!
    The notion that Bloodraven was tricked into hooking into the Weirwood Net and is now trying to pass on his knowledge to Bran in the hopes that he might be able to escape with his friends is interesting. I almost hope it is true because it works well into how both Bran and Arya seem to resist the notion of "marrying a tree"/giving up your identity is, and perhaps lends hope to the idea that the pack might break out and reunite, like how Bran seems to mentally remind Summer that he has "his own pack" in the form of Ghost, Nymeria and Shaggydog. Plus, your idea works well into this flipping of the notion that Bloodraven does not have Bran's best interests at heart when, in fact, he is still fighting for the good of the realm.
    So, in this scenario though, the Others are probably not truly evil but are maybe even being manipulated by what is really behind the Weirwoods… maybe, the Children of the Forest? Or are the Children even being manipulated too? The notion of the "other" is a social construct that GRRM in his trope smashing way might want to avoid having a definitive bad person. That said, if the "Great Other" turned out to be the Weirdwoods seeking to annihilate the humans – and the Children are making use if that power – could the reason the Three Eyed Crow wanted to lure Bran to that cave be for his ability to warg humans?

  8. i totally agree and never thought the three eyed raven was Bloodraven. I actually think the three eyed raven is Bran, a future version of himself travelling back through time, entering child Brans dreams to will him on to his purpose. That's why Hodor was scared to go to the crypt, as 'future' Bran was the one who damaged his brain.

  9. hello i wanted to mention that unfortunately in greek mythology the symbol of apollo is a crow ( corvus cornix ) and not a raven plus the ravens in greece ( corvus corax ) are rare and omens of bad luck. The confusion must have come due to the fact that we use the same word for both.
    PS sorry for my english not my mother tongue

  10. Is it me or targaryans literally the same thing as whitewalkers but for the side of life/fire?

    In.the.books.the others are beautifull, not all monstered up. They are made by plunging dragon glass into a humans heart…

    The targaryans are beautiful, also have very white/blond hair and weird eye colours.

    What if the targaryans did something similar to themselves when they moved to dragonstone? Knight king made by dragon glass into heart, targaryans had a mountain of dragon glass on dragonstone… what if they did the same thing to themselves but + dragonfire or some such?

  11. Any thoughts about how the three eyed crow gets bran and jojen to trust it after they were vulnerable just like how lady Dustin says the maesters heal lords to gain their trust?

  12. My theory, the great other tried to get bran to take it down to the crypt for one reason. He needed access to Bran the builder who made the wall. The wall is the only thing preventing eternal winter and the white walkers descending on Westeros. Taking Bran the Builder's knowledge will let the Great Other destroy the wall and win.

  13. The Order of the Green Hand. Can you do a Video about.. Aemon Targaryen…?? The old man of Castle black.. He talked about being in love with a woman & how nothing compairs to holding your son in your arms.. This is Very interesting and Noone had done a Video on him

  14. How can we be sure that Bloodraven's motives can still be trusted? If the CotF captured him and trapped him in the tree, is he really still Bloodraven or is he something else now? I don't doubt his motives in life, but now he's basically a corpse plugged into a hive-mind… Anything he says or does could very well be the weirwood now, not him, right?

    I gather that you think that despite all this, Bloodraven has the willpower and agency to give Bran some critical info that will help him escape that fate and/or stop the CotF and Others?

    Also as much as I agree the CotF are behind the Others there are things that make me wonder as well… Why are the wights all clawing at the cave trying to get in? Why would they try and stop Bran and company from getting there? Is it all a trick to make Bran think they are fighting the Others? Are the Others made by the children but kind of a loose cannon that they cant really control? (CotF are safe in their caves while the Others do their damage to the world of men outside)

  15. I'm more and more convinced the Starks are guarding someone locked inside the crypts (the spell keeping the dead inside). Winter…fell..and they build the castle on top of its cell… they might not have been able to kill the great other (especially if she is like the nights queen). They locked her up instead and separated her from her followers. Euron serves her and will probably come for her. I wonder how Old Nan knew the great other. She knew about it, stayed at Winterfell and guided generation after generation of Starks. The great others cave is probably underneath winterfell…it has tree all around it and spells put on the crypts.

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