Part 3 of our analysis on the Faceless Men of Braavos

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. Not to mention Qhohor is basically a logging camp with a big market. In other words it's in a deep dark woods.
    Gives me a thought. After World of IaF came out it was said repeatedly that the lack of a Qarth chapter spoke to the great importance "The Greatest City There Ever Was Or Will Be" must have to the rest of the story. However, you've painted quite a different picture with the information given in tWoIaF. One that shows a connection of like minded fanatics, many of whom may actually be different races of "children" spread throughout every city mentioned in tWoIaF. Through your interpretation each of these groups are much different than what we are led to believe, and seeing as their true selves are identical in nature, if not species, suddenly their inclusion in tWoIaF speaks to a puzzle, hidden, but meant to be discovered. Assume I'm right that you've solved this hidden puzzle and expand that line of thinking to every culture mentioned in tWoIaF, no matter how distant or seemly inconsequential, assume for a moment that with more information they too would be revealed in their basest nature to fall clearly on one side or the other of this great conflict and suddenly everything, and I mean everything ever written about this world suddenly clicks into place. The mysteries this will solve, questions it will answer, concepts it will redesign… I shiver at the thought. This has only come to me now, as I write this, but I already know it to be true. I believe a careful reread of tWoIaF, which I will begin today, could yield a proper work that could take months if not years to be researched and submitted for peer review. I think you've broken the code, unearthed the Rosetta stone of asoiaf, revealed the key that explains the entire song of Ice and Fire. Do you even realize what you've done? This is incredible. Well done. You need to examine this more, because eventually someone else will and you deserve the credit. Bravo!

  2. So there is this thing that strikes me again and again while watching your videos…
    When you mention the three-eyed crow here and say that it "tends to visit those who are on the verge of death and uses their natural will to live to convince them to make a deal with the devil", I clearly and immediately imagine a picture of the slashed young Petyr Baelish right after his duel with Brandon Stark.
    Further you speak of "a portal through which demonic possession is possible". Afair George R.R. Martin said somewhere something like that he only knows who a character truly is once that character has a name – so names actually have a deeper meaning. So why is Littlefinger named Bael-ish as in demon-ish in the first place? Coincidence?

    Apart from the topic of the video but also related to the name thing:
    Why is he called Petyr? What does Petyr mean? Petyr is clearly an adaptation of Peter which means stone. Does "stone" ring any bell? That's what they call bastards in the Vale of Arryn. What if he is a Stone instead of a Baelish?
    But who's child would he be? He's small and slim with grey-green eyes that afaik tend to sometimes have either more green or more grey, depending on whatever (most likely his mood). He's clearly no warrior, tho he seems to be very agile and somehow skilled (I've just started to read the books, but how he plays around with the catspaw dagger when we're introduced to him clearly stroke me). He's very smart and cunning, strives on chaos and has countless spies in his service.

  3. Actually, the third eye is only viewed in Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as a portal for demons. In Hinduism it represents the highest, most noble intentions humans are capable of. Other Eastern religions as a spot for enlightenment to enter the body, not demons or evil.

  4. Braavo (;

    Love that you discredited the 'Arya kill Sansa' theory. If anything, it'd be the other way around. Sansa knows that she's more Tully, more Catelyn (who conveniently is a traitor to the North) and has already seen that the North will ignore rules of succession in their choosing of Jon 'the Bastard' Snow as their King. Also giving Littlefinger the manipulator to perhaps convince Sansa to betray the Stark fam (yet again) in thinking she's doing what's best for the North and falling for Petyr's tricks AGAIN. Thus continuing that cycle of mother-daughter parallels.
    (Although I will say, they may have as that was Robb's last order.)

    So, without a doubt she sees Arya come home, as well as Bran – both contenders to her potential power – and not only is she well, but well-trained and presumably quite hard to kill. Oh, and she's become some amazing mentalist and is like "Dont you be lyin biiiish" Sansa looks down from the balcony like "God DAMNIT everyone's a goddamn super hero wtf"

    Not only that, but Sansa was A. In KL for forever with Cersei B. Married to Tyrion C. Friend of Baelish and D. (In the show at least) Also married to a Bolton.

    Not a great track record. And the North remembers.

    What do you think?

  5. The House of Black and White has many levels underground and its Weirwood tree, just like Winterfell which has it own Weirwood tree grove with it own black pool and the burial crypt of the rulers of Winterfell.

  6. Even among horrible gods the Black Goat is by far the worst. The Brave Companions Mercenary group even uses him as their emblem and they are so nasty that they have an even worse reputation than the Mountain and his troops.

  7. I have been searching for an answer to what they do with the dead bodies in The House of Black and White for the past few days because it has really been bugging me. Thank you for an answer, even if it might not be the one GRRM uses!

  8. Love your channel and your interesting and unique take on a lot of things, but I'm too much of a sci-fi cynic to buy into the magic based theories. Love them just the same though.

  9. So, the Weirwood Gods are addicted to blood? Or, are they just looking for those with powerful blood like those of the descendants of Garth Greenhand?

    Melisandre was always looking for those with his blood too, either to sacrifice or to use for her magic spells. She knew Stannis, Shireen, Gendry, and Edric Storm had it and acted like Davos had it too.

    I think the latter was a guess, and that she'd have been after his sons if she discovered he really had it.

    If this is true, then Jon Snow better watch out because he's got both the Others and R'hllor, (aka the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, and the God of Flame and Shadow) after him for his mix of Stark & Dayne blood.

  10. The House of Black and White eats the dead bodies.

    Arya: What's this shit?

    KM: It's pork child, just pork.

    But Arya knew what it was because she'd had man flesh in her wolf dreams.

    A weirwood may be a magical creature, but it still need sunlight for photosynthesis. They won't grow in the Eyrie for want of good soil.

  11. you guys are true fans I started reading the books after season 3 I got hooked after that I didn't Catch on the first read after watching some of your videos I am reading them again I'm on my second read I'm clash right now good job

  12. "In many cultures the third eye is considered a portal through which demonic possession is possible"…. no. Most cultures who believe in a third eye consider it the eye of the soul and the point through which we access insight and wisdom. It's fundamental religion that calls it demonic.

  13. If The Faceless Men can only change into the faces of skin changers,than how does Jaquen use Pates face at Old town? There is absolutely no mention of Pate having skin changing abilities,not even an off hand comment about strange dreams.

  14. Thanks for another wonderfully detailed analysis — the quality of the research and presentation is a pleasure to follow.

    Given the nature of the topic, the Faceless Men, I wonder if this series will cross paths with Missandei at all. Ever since the first time she was introduced in the books I have always thought there was more to her — and the idea of her being a member of the faceless men, made the most sense to me, but to what end.

    Looking forward to more!

  15. the 3rd eye aka the pineal gland is not just responsible for demonic possession its also what makes people dream and have visions ot does this by releasing dmt into the brain it also happens right before you die

  16. im reading AFFC and ADWD at the same time(the boiled leather reading order) im at Arya I AFFC when arya is being being taken ashor to the house of black and white i noticed something next came a huge brick structure festooned with lichen.Arya might have taken it for a storehouse had yorko not said"that is the holy refuge where we honor the SMALL GODS the world has will hear it called the WARREN too" its only a short row after this that shes at the house of black and white and it has a cannal running through it.i cant find a detailed enough map but i think it may be pretty close to the house of black and white maybe even connected to it underground.small gods the world has forgotten. the Warren sounds like the children of the forrest to me. in the same chapter arya reflect on how the Titan of Bravos could step over the walls of winterfell.thats the second time the titan of bravos has been mentioned stepping into winter fell with lttlefinger being the first stepping over both walls of Sansas snowcastle his house sigil the titans head even Roberts doll(giant/titan) that smashes the gates of the snowcastle ends up just a head.

  17. Hi Order of the Green Hand, I'm enjoying your video series on the Faceless men very much.  To add another parallel between BR and Bran's cave and the HoBaW, they are both beneath 'hollow hills'. [HoBaW is built on a knoll or hill with many underground levels]  And Beric as BR's parallel is also situated within a hollow hill.  In Celtic Mythology the underworld is accessed via the hollow hills and I think George has hidden loads of them throughout the series, the HoBaW being a prime example.  There are also a load hidden in Westeros and that is the subject of my essay which can be read here if you so desire of course.The comments section touches on a lot of what you've spoken about [though not all by a long stretch] and I thought you may appreciate the read.  If not, no worries it's good to see others investigating the underworld and all that entails.  Keep up the good work.  🙂

  18. Good video. Though I think there's a perfectly good explanation for why there is only a 1000 or so faces. They don't collect faces from every victim. It would be incredibly hard to retrieve a body let alone cut off someone's face while remaining incognito. In fact nearly every faceless men kill in the books doesn't involve taking that person's face.

  19. I know you both must be very busy. I'm so looking forward to seeing your next video. I hope you'll give us a couples shot when subs hit 20k. May I say that Lady Green Hand will make a stunning bride! Beauty and brains, You'll be a blessed groom, to be sure!

  20. George may have given away an unintentional spoiler in a question and answer session in Guadalajara. He was asked what religion he follow if he was in Westeros. He talked a bit about the seven and then the Lord of Light, but after those 2 he talked about the faceless men. He didnt say the many face god, he just said Valar Morghulis. All men must die. he goes on to say that everyone dies no matter what religion, they all end up dead. So the god of death must be a really powerful gods that we may want to look out for.

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