Part 2 of our analysis on Arianne’s first pre-released The Winds of Winter chapter

Theories and analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire using text evidence and quotes from George RR Martin.

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Pamela Mertz-Lady Green Hand
Game of Thrones
Paul Taaks-Green Hand Knight
Fantasy Flight Games

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  1. If Doran wanted the kidnapping to happen, which is a definite possibility, there's another intended outcome you overlooked. What if he wanted Myrcella to die, and to blame it on Darkstar? It's not a bad plan considering the Daynes are stony Dornish at this point in time when stony Dornishmen are at best a rival to the Martells, and at worst deadly enemies. Right now Stony Dornish might as well be a separate country from Salty/Sandy Dornish. Preston strays off the path often these days, but his analysis on the politics of Dorne are spot on. The Lannisters would have held all of Dorne responsible, but by redirecting all that bad enmity onto the Stony Houses that are closer to KL, and very likely to offer battle rather than retreat. Myrcellas death buys Doran the breathing room he'd need to enact his true plans. It could be years before consequences of her death could be brought to bear on the Martells, and maybe they never do. In peace time he'd have weeks at best, now he has years. Thats only if the Lannisters prevail against the Stony, and the other 50 Houses that hate them just as much. I believe this is what happened. Darkstar either saved Myrcella at the last second or something else happened that we know nothing of, but either way DS saw right away the danger he was in and hauled ass just barely in time. I think he saved her myself, but only bc he knew it she died he'd be next. What other reason could he have had to save a girl he wanted to kill himself. Remember DS wanted to spark a war. He didn't change his mind one bit, all he proved was saving himself, and maybe his House, was more important to him then starting the war. Otherwise he'd have done it himself or not interfered. He's certainly no martyr. He'd kill a small child to start a war, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna sacrifice himself to do it. I wonder if due to his escape every Stony Dornish now knows that Doran intentionally put them all in a position to be slaughtered. Think it also explains why the code words he chose don't make sense. Now if it all falls apart and he needs to make nice with KL after a war he can say he sent them word to maintain peace and trick the Sandy forces into starting the war. It's a huge win-win-win-win for Doran. No matter the outcome he covers his ass, destroys the only Dornish Houses capable of challenging him, gets his revenge on the Lannisters, and either accomplishes his goals or gets to be the hero that put the lives of his people above the need for revenge. It's brilliant really. Prob work except for the fact that no grrm story would ever allow it to happen. Something will somehow go very wrong but you still have to admire the brilliance of his design. In the real world that plan would work and Doran would have won the war using it. In this book though his chances of getting a red hot poker up his ass from Ilyn Payne are pretty damn high lol

  2. "The kid is fugly and his father has sent him half-way around the world to marry the most beautiful woman alive."

    Also is that a drawing of Hurrem you used for Lady Tolen? It's probaby obscure as hell considering it's a turkish historical drama.

  3. Maybe he's trying to kill off his weaker children & the strong ones who live he'll marry off to Dany & Young Griff/Aegon if they conquer Westoros if they decide not to marry each other. And even if Young Griff/Aegon does successfully conquer without Dany, Duran can still marry a daughter to Young Griff/Aegon, they can rule the 7 kingdoms from the iron throne & a son to Dany, they can rule Dorne. That way the Martell's will have alot of power

  4. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭JUST PUBLISH THE DAMN THING!! IT'S BEEN 21(26+) YEARS…7+ YEARS NOW FOR ONE BOOK….pleeeeeeeaaaaa…uhhh.uhh.uhhhhhh…ss….ssss.eeeseeeee……😭😭😭😭😭😲😟😤😤😤
    Jp…but for…come on!!
    Valar dohæris,
    The Red Viper

  5. Nope. Phone is always on. Nope. Browser & apps always on….hmmmm…
    Yet, TODAY just now…12 o'clock some past midnight on September 20th… My phone goes 💣💥🕭🕭Notification – OOTGH…yada yada…….
    How, now? This says the 12th!!!! No, no…you know I love yins both!! Youtube…ahem…WTF???? Have they done?? Is it just me saying this???
    I get "LiveStreams"… dot aka Live…DAYS OR WEEKS after it aired!? Ahem…check with your provider…ya. I did. It's Verizon. There's only like 3 providers…sure…different names…but they're owned by those top 3-4…who own & have the towers..ahem. It's just youtube+google+the net the past 2 months……alllllllllllllll my compiled play lists of favorite vids (oh, sure..yes…they're all Stalin-Worthy Politically in-Correct videos…links etc…all are scrubbed…university studies..links to the studies…90% of youtube hosts disabling comments & channels saying I cannot enable comments whilst their channel is being picked to pieces & banned all the same….)
    Love yu guys…sorry..late night one-eyed rant, sleepin..
    Valar dohæris,
    The Red Viper
    (You're very much welcomed on my streams around November, I'm gonna try to bring some (clarity) smelling salts to ASOIAF! I'm sure ya know BBM…Gemma..etc…lol..L8r)

  6. I love your guy's videos and look forward to each one coming out. Your theories are really thought provoking and I appreciate the amount of work that you two put into your videos, it amazes me. Even stuff as simple as looking up the meaning of characters names, seems so simple after, but you were the first to think of it. Really great work, keep it up. Even if some of your theories end up being disproved, don't ever stop doing what you two are doing. I love that you are brave and clever enough to challenge the status quo. Much Respect!!!!

  7. ANYBODY!! When exactly did Bran affect HODOR. I say him and Blood Raven on the episode showing Bran the past. I'm just a little lost because it would seem that time is a continuous loop if Bran needed HODOR to know he needed to hold the door before anyone really had shown that they would be attacked in the woods tunnel. Just a little confused. Could some please educate me?

  8. Doran is the quiet, but still alive, more patient, yet no less vindictive, albeit slightly less impulsive, version of Tywin Lannister, a perfect foil. But, for the life of me, I don't know what his endgame is, other than survival, for his people, and their children that he stares at at the Watergardens.

  9. Two things: When you cover Doran assume he is intelligent unlike others whom I cannot name. Second, did you notice how superficial Arianne is? She only cares about people's looks and sex appeal. She is definitely not her father's daughter. Must take after her mother.

  10. On an unrelated topic, I recall in one of your old videos where you guys theorised that Qhorin Halfhand believes the children of the forest to be the true enemy. The Children call themselves those who sing the song of earth. Rhaegar told his wife, Elia, that Aegon is the prince that was promised and his is the sonf of ice and fire. If this is true does that not mean that the prince who was promise is opposed to the children of the forest since ice and fire destroy the earth, or rather have mostly negative impacts on the earth?

  11. like the Chapter video but maybe you can answer a question mainly about G.O.T: I don't understand way they are fortifying the north to fight the Dead that is like fighting the Dothraki in an open field it's fucking dumb and now the night king has a dragon if anybody had any since the would abandon the North because its a lost cause and save as many people as they can and wage a guerrilla war in the neck. then fall back to the Vale the best defensive position in Westeros. could you make a video on that hopefully Jamie will come and straiten things out. Honestly I think the Dead are going to bypass everything and go strait for the gods eye and only destroying things in their path.

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