My presentation on Geology and Game of Thrones that I did for the American Geophysical Union.
Part 1 of the series with Miles Traer:
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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest
I'm late viewing this but finally got to it. So glad I did! This was AWESOME! LOVE LOVE LOVE

Thank you, Preston! You are amazing.
Hi Preston, I love your channel and I've been a lurker for a looong time. I'm 10 minutes into this video and when you're comparing the Bering strait to the Arm of Dorne, I started thinking if the White Walkers could have something to do with it. This is not really a fully formed idea, but if White Walkers retreat north and the rest of Westeros starts warming up, wouldn't the melted ice make sea levels rise?
Wow that's pretty cool. I'm a geophysicist myself and this'll be really interesting.
1 hour long preston video about geology 10/10 have my firstborn
damn Preston, your a savage
on the subject of volcanoes in westeros, notably casterly rock is very similar to the real world castle rock which is a now extinct volcano where edinburgh castle sits, wonder if grrm was making a reference there. also if the thenn valley volcanoes is a real thing then the volcanic chain of westeros goes
thenn valley, hardholm, winterfell hotsprings, moat cailin, casterly rock, potentially the gods eye lake(it has strange currents apparently) dragonstone, no evidence of volcanoes exist in the reach or stormlands, dorne has brimstone hall which may have some connection to volcanoes.
anyone else notice that besides dorne there is another part of westeros in the narrow sea with flooding references, the vale. house sunderland means the land torn apart, its possible the narrow sea was once planetos version of doggerland. notably a house sunderly exists in the iron isles too which might explain that it too was flooded to form the isles cos its odd men would settle those bleak islands unless they were stranded there.
The "State Department of State" what the fuck is that, what they do?
What the hell happened to your Q&A for ep 7 ?
all this talk of geology in a fantasy series is reminding me of the Malazan books
Lives in Germany and works for the state? Wow, to much information.
This is how you teach geology to folks. Thanks a lot, Preston. I wish I knew how to teach like this.
So if Preston would analyze Dune he would come to the undeniable conclusion that Dune is all feudalism and magic and therefore medieval because they are mentioned.
If there indeed was an apocalyptic event it would have to loose all gathered knowledge. Both in written and in basic human memory. To have mankind to fall so far back.
It is one of the disconnects in the movie Idiocracy (if anyone should know that)
Keeping man in a state of war to prevent that they should come near this doom again (assuming it is caused by man)
Contradicts technological advances. War has bred technology at a very fast pace to gain advantages over enemies.
Should this be the case in the books it would be a step back from the logic you mention George presents.
But it is a story and the thought of knights for thousands of years has a certain charm to it. Look at Star wars.
Of course Light bringer (if such a thing existed) may not have been a sword. So swords may not have existed for as long as i speculate.
Knowledge is seldom lost completely, even when it is – some could be rediscovered.
Repeating my self again – the logic of it can be debated, so I'd love to hear suggestions of how it could be by passed.
Geology could be called the Game of Stones.
Bone Mountains made by continental collision?
Preston do you think someone could have blown up the moon?
Could the black oily stones be anthracite coal?
You can't assault the basalt.
old gys looks more like old egypte, that civilization just dissepeared
comets release material into the atmosphere as they pass by – i think SARS was caused by some shit that came of a comet, my point being the comet could be introducing a foreign material to planetos which enhances peoples psychic tendencies.
I feel like we definitely need a resolution to the comet mystery before the story ends
Can you please say "uhm" less frequently. I dare anybody here to click on a random timeframe in this video and I bet that sentence has at least 1 UHM in it.
One possibility you missed with the "oily black stone" is depleated uranium. It has just such a color, and would also support the prior existence of technology. It also can occur in nature and because of its properties, could be considered for something like the base of the hightower.
Geology and Game of Thrones for $1,000, Alex!
Does anyone else think they have a really good idea of what Preston looks like based on his voice?
When I read the title "Geology and Game of Thrones" I thought we were going to see sweet robin and brandon nights king explain how Jaime, the Lannister army, a raven and dragon could travel across a whole country in a week/day?
This is probably my favorite youtube video ever! Great work!
Episode 7 Q&A??????
Dear Preston. As much as I have listened to your videos, you actually never go deep into the exploration of the legends of Yi Ti, whilst there are some really amazing themes. What would you have to say about them in the context of your theories.
if the trade of tin in old ghis and valyria disrupted the trade, then maybe the Valyrian steel has component of tin mixed with other element.
Preston is an evil genius. Can't wait to read the rest of the novel. Maybe one day George R R Martin will read it and pick it apart mercilessly.
this is incredible.
Its high fantasy bruh
Isn't Winterfell built on top of an underground volcano? Its hot springs keep the whole castle warm even through the winter so it must be pretty active. But I suppose you could also argue the mysterious dragon Summer saw was the one who kept Winterfell warm… This is pretty tinf-foily, but what if there are multiple volcanoes underneath the surface of Westeros? What if the oily black stone is made of molten magma? Since history repeats itself in GRRM's world, could it be possible Westeros is due to have a volcanic eruption worst than Valyria? What if that is the reason the Others are trying to head south? They need to freeze the volcanos to prevent the Long Night from happening again? The Children are the ones who prefer the dark.
Preston you a cuck!
I love George and his work but i fucking hate hippies
The children of the forrest are the CIA Niggers of Weasteros
There is also Storms End
Love you babe, thanks
I thought you were gonna talk about all the underground caverns that could survive a nuclear war. Under winterfell the place in northern essos I can't remember the name castlerly rock and a couple more places
A Fantasy story or a Fantasy story. Now, vote.
Geology rocks!
Whts west of westorous I sure I spelled that wrong
But yeah whts other side of the world? A steam boat world?