Google’s artificial intelligence company, DeepMind, has developed an AI that has managed to learn how to walk, run, jump, and climb without any prior guidance. The result is as impressive as it is goofy.

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  1. I love to see how Google's AI is truly a jump forward and Innovation nobody's doing anything even similar or even close to a Google's doing when it comes to artificial intelligence and Google's artificial intelligence was a rated rated twice as intelligent as even Apple's Siri or anybody else's that's pretty amazing you know a lot of people don't seem to realize what Google's doing but can you imagine having an artificial intelligence like that on your phone where I can think and act on its own you know you don't have to forget about having an AI is going to do everything for you this is the future you guys

  2. This is a good science and  I really appreciate "the minds"  and the huge effort behind it. However, humanity never had problem with knowledge but I say we always had problems with how we use it and for what purposes. I am afraid some of the people they saw and they liked this video, soon will see it integrated in weapons and armies to kill people !

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