A look at the Hound, the protector of wolf girls, and eater of chickens.

A season 6 rewind.

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  1. Hey guys! I'm trying to raise money to finish school. Every dollar helps! If you can donate even $1 please do so because those dollars add up. If can get 2% of my daily views to donate a dollar each, then I should be able to pay for another semester. Not sure how close I can get to that, but let's see! If you can please donate at least $1 to my Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=Z2ZTDVAENL45A&lc=US&item_name=Donate&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted or pledge a $1 or more to my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3531864.

  2. Love the hound .absolutely brilliant character and story line .hope the last season does him justice .oh and as for all the season 8 spoilers and supposed leaks ,I really hope they are all fanfic because it would all be for nothing if any of it were to be true .anyways GOT fans all the best .winter is almost here 😆😨👍

  3. 14:12 he saved her from so much shit, he knew what she was gonna do and knew she would be executed for it. as much as it always seemed like the hound had no emotion in the first few seasons, it became clear who he cared for later on. also at 1:33:20 you actually feel pain for him, the only real time hes been vulnerable and he is genuinely scared.

  4. Why THE FUCK did you cut up the scene where Sandor and Arya kill off that bald cunt and his gang of assholes in the House of Chickens??!!!?!?!! liiiiike omfg u just do do things like that, never! 🙁
    Edit: Oh but other then that, Thanks for the video <3 🙂 I actually watched it to check out the scene that explains from where did Sandor know the people in the house in season 7 where they find the father and daughter dead… :/ So disappointed in him that he actually robbed the good man. :/

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