More Superucts are coming soon, leave a suggestion below and I’ll pick one and show it in the beginning
More Superucts are coming soon, leave a suggestion below and I’ll pick one and show it in the beginning
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In the future, I'm planning on doing a Tyrion video and since there's a lot of content I'd either have to make a longer video than normal or do a two parter. If I made one video around 20 mins would you guys mind me running a mid-roll ad? College is expensive and I normally wouldn't want to run mid-rolls. Reply if you'd want a longer video with a mid-roll or a two parter with no mid-rolls.
5:04 that ass though
Sad thing that Ramsay is gone now. One of the few characters that got me interested in GoT after season 4. He was such an entertaining character to watch.
2:46 I can watch that whole day on repeat.
Holy shit the very first thing said to Ramsey is "You little bastard." Literally!
How come arya got stabbed like 20 times and survived and little rickon got hit by one single shot and died wtf
3:27 I want an Ovuvwevwevwe meme for this moment , i really do
OK. Ive fired bows and arrows many times and theres no way to fire at that speed, being that accurate.
Must've been damn good and damn fast to shoot the guys at the beginning with such little delay between the shots.
In fact I don't believe it. Just another fail of the showrunners.
my darlingπ’
Should have put in the shaving scene and his game with Theon.
The Word "SUPERCUT" gets a whole new meaning here… o-o …maybe i should eat some sausage…tasty… π
Pause at 1:43, uuum,mis Ramsey an alien and I just dont remember?
I don't even pay attention to the videos anymore. I just look to see who's face or body part this cunt editor mutilated.
You gotta give it to Ramsay, he was probably one of the best archers in the 7 kingdoms.
Last 31 second are my favourite part of this video
There's a reason Michael Stone considered torture murderers as the most evil of people.
Ramsay and his 20 good men, rip.
Oh my God Theon just couldn't get a break
This isn't long enough. It should just show every scene that Ramsay is in.
11:00 – Prepare for a Ramsay Beatdown :DDD
Evilest among the Evils.
The fuck was roose Bolton thinking?
We all know that Ram Ram was eating a dick. π£π€’
Give a title to a sadist like Ramsey and watch the world burn.XD
Ramsay Bullton
Theon:nigga you eatin my dick?
Ramsay:nah bruh no…no it's sausage nigga I ain't on no gay shit
Theon:So you just through my dick away then huh? wasteful ass nigga
Ramsey Bolton such a cunt!! I hated him and I loved it when Jon got ahold of him!!! Jeffory also, another cunt!!
There's something about him that's sexy and that scares me…..
One I still disbelieve how this punk kill Roose BoltonΒ one of the many mistake that (GOT) did
Nono, you stay here reek. You watch.
Did that dude eat his dick or a sausage?
The Greatest Villain Ever.
TheDewLife is so funny, I watched his Tormund video as well. At 1:40 he enlarges Ramseys finger as well as Yara's lips at 4:12 He did the same with Tormunds eyes too in the other video π
i am wondering why ramsey didnt let those guys fuck theon in the ass, at least a little bit
He could make a good joker
he is such a good actor!
If only Joffrey had met Ramsay……
you got to be retarded to be hit by an arrow that far… literally zig zag a tiny bit and theres no way he'd hit you hahaha
thank christ this fuckers dead
8:35 this was the last time he fed the hounds. only reason they didn't starve to death.
Ramsay is the scariest character ever
Ramsay's pure fucken evil
I thought Ramsay was eating a dick!π
Love him, best actor/character, I miss seeing him rape sansa