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  1. I hate how they ruin the good relation ships mer and Derek, Izzy and Danny, Alex and joe, and April and Jackson like honesty I was HEART BROKEN when these didn’t work out! ( sorry If I got names wrong)

  2. S14 predictions and thoughts:
    Riggs and Mer will probably end up together right at the end of S14 after Riggs tries and eventually fails to repair his marriage. I think he's already fallen for Mer; it's going to be difficult to work around her whilst trying to bury their chemistry.
    I've seen negative comments about Jo and Alex, and I completely disagree, I think they're perfect for each other; they have had rough upbringings, abusive family members, and both know what it's like to have nothing. They're guarded, witty, strong characters and I would love to see them finally happy together, but a lot has changed since he mistakenly and rage-fueled half beat De Luca to death. Also, Izzy is absolutely never going to return because it's very well known that Shonda doesn't like working with the actress.
    As for the Maggie, Jackson and April triangle, I think it's a bit of a weak story line because Jackson can be severely stubborn and often out of line when things don't go the way he wants them to. I'll expect a lot of crying scenes from April this season, who I've tried for so long to like, and had only just started to enjoy her character since S12 when she gets trapped in the bubble. Maggie, however, could do with some romance after last season when her mother passed away, but not like this. I imagine she'll fall for Jackson, because let's face it, who the hell would be able to resist those eyes? I just hope she doesn't get hurt.
    I am so excited for Teddy to return! She was one of my favourite surgeons in the past, but I'm a little confused why she is coming back after Owen fired her to get her away from the hospital where her husband died. Also, what role is she going to fill? She's a cardio God and I'm sure she's not going to enjoy working under Maggie.
    Finally, Callie returning would be a huge win for all the fans, everybody loves her. It would be lovely if she and Arizona got back together, but like Alex and Jo, a lot has happened since they split; Robbins' cheating, winning the custody battle for Sofia, etc. It would be equally enjoyable to see her find a new romantic interest, because I personally can't bring myself to like Penny after what happened with Derek. Even though Mer trained her to be a better doctor and to make her voice heard, I still can't like her.
    I'm still a little disappointed that Stephanie isn't returning, I liked her character and always thought she was an incredibly talented surgeon, so for her to give it all up after the fire was a sad moment for me.

  3. What's supposed to be happening: Meredith and Riggs broke up so he can get back his old (true?) love, Maggie and Jackson – hell no, go back to the mother of your daughter man, Callie – please come back, she was my favourite character and I was so sad when she left. She doesn't have to go back to Arizona again, but please, I loved her!! And I'm happy about the reunion with teddy!
    Anything else?

  4. NO NO NO to Maggie and Jackson – don't go there.  Please don't ruin Japril's beautiful / epic love story – Jesse and Sarah have such amazing chemistry and are beautiful together on screen – don't waste it.  Also not happy with April (Sarah Drew – best actress on the show) being in so few scenes in the last 8 episodes. She and Jesse too deserve better.

  5. Has anyone ever thought about Maggie and Jackson and how they are practically step-siblings because Webber is Maggie biological dad and jacksons mom is married to Webber so it would be super weird if they got together

  6. DON'T GET MAGGIE AND JACKSON TOGETHER!!! They are half-siblings!! Jackson's mom is married to Richard. Richard had a baby with Ellis. Ellis' baby was Maggie. So, Richard has to kids, Jackson and Maggie!! 😂😂😂😂

  7. I honestly don't like Maggie at all. Ever since she came on the show I just couldn't get on board with her. She buys into everything even if it's none of her business. She makes every little small thing into a big thing when really it's not that big of a deal. She gets pouty when things don't go her way. I just don't like her character

  8. I feel like they have surprise in store for us. Maybe they're gonna cameo or bring back Yang all together. Because she didn't come back last season, but who knows? But if it is confirmed later on that this is the final season of GA, then yang will be on, because Sandra Oh (the actress who portrayed Yang) said she would return for a cameo or for the final season of Greys.

  9. Maggi needs to be either less irritating or eliminated from the show. She's tooo nosey and takes things way too personally. Merideth dating what's his name… Riggs. Actually shouldn't have affected her? Why was she being all sad and betrayed? Hello? Your mum just died you have other things to be sad about. She talks way too much and is just way too dramatic. Thank goodness it's just a character. Don't need callie back. Like she could come but I really don't fancy her like that. I didn't like her and arizona it wasn't cute. I like Arizona with the Stephanie person who btw just came and decided to leave the show lol was she confused? She literally came hated and left hated smh. Merideth is just full of bad luck lol! What are the chances that when you finally find happiness, someone gets raised from the dead to steal the second love of your life lol. I like it but the sorrow seems too unrealistic now. Too much bad things have happened to merideth for God sake she even died. Shonda needs to cut her some slack. Don't care much about April at this point and I have a veryyyy soft spot for Weber! He's my best character and I get crushed when I see the slightest bad thing happen to him. Don't like how strong headed baily and jackson mother is (forgot her name ) anyway that's it for now. Ps ( Owen needs to see Psych)

  10. First off: I DONT WANT STEPAHNIE TO LEAVE, but I read about the new show she'll be working on and it sounds great. Second: I'm excited to see how Maggie and Jackson will do together. And third: Callie needs to come back! I'll admit, I hated her when she first came on, but now she's my favorite character, followed by Stephanie, followed by Arizona…ect. but yea. I need Callie back!

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