A few days ago HBO held their Premiere for Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 and at this event HBO confirmed that a Game of Thrones Spin-Off Series would come next year after Season 8 ends. Reporters that were at this event also confirmed several other details about Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 that are very exciting. Comment down below and let me know what you think about this news. Thanks for watching!
Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.
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Arya Stark Season 7 Leak:
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How many seasons are there going to be in the prequels
Two of them should include Meagor the Cruel and Aerion Brightflame. I want to see their reign of tyranny so bad.
I hope we get either Aegon's conquest or a Dance of Dragons for a spinoff series
Anything will suffice
History of the Stark's and whitewalkers throughout time
Don't give GRRM any ideas, he's already doing everything but finishing the fucking books.
I see the spin-off being about Podrick and Brienne or something related to Valyria
The history of the Targaryens and more about Rhaegar Targaryen up until Roberts Rebellion.
a show about the walkers coming to be and bran the builder building the wall and how the white walkers came to be myth!!
I think they should do the spin off on the faceless men in bravos. I think that would be dope
I want to see a show that ends with the start of robert's rebellion
Dance of dragons , blackfyre rebelion or aegon the conquerer
I want to see a show that focused on the Dragon riders and tells the story of the people we've grown to love on GOT ancestors. I'd like to see about the women who had Dragons and how we got to where the Show is now
Most likely they'll do a story that we don't know much about. If they were to do an already completed story we'd could just go to the books and read them.
I would love it if they do a spin off about the beginning of the faceless men
Ii just watched something from the writers of GOT…. They said no spin off yet.
dunk and egg with ameon or the doom of valyria and ageon and his sisters conquest.
I want to see Mrytelland her daughter's the sand snakes
It will probably be Old Valyria and the whole time we know about The Doom and it can't star Kit Harington because he was in "Pompei."
Keeping up with the Targeryens
Season 8 is first comin 2019 dan and david said they want the last season to have the best possible ending
I wonder if the spinoff will be the war of the usurper. Cool, buuut, at the same time…meh
Bedtime stories w old nan
Aegons conquest!!!
we want the mad king Story
considering dunk and egg are the story with most information we have after asoiaf i think that will be it. plus we get to know the bloodraven and the blackfyres who were mentioned some times in the show
I think I know you
. Where'd you get your BA?
Roberts Rebellion!! number 1 thing everyone wants to see in detail!! Also I would like to see ancient Valyria in it's prime and Targaryens and dragons and their ancient civilization and how doom happened. Also Aegon's conquest. these are mine top 3!!
Wouldn't it be cool to see the entire story re-told, except from the perspective of the Night King and the White Walkers, where they are the central characters and everyone in Westeros is the enemy. Hmmmmm