A few days ago HBO held their Premiere for Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 and at this event HBO confirmed that a Game of Thrones Spin-Off Series would come next year after Season 8 ends. Reporters that were at this event also confirmed several other details about Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 that are very exciting. Comment down below and let me know what you think about this news. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.


Article Written by GQ:

Arya Stark Season 7 Leak:

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  1. I want to see a show that focused on the Dragon riders and tells the story of the people we've grown to love on GOT ancestors. I'd like to see about the women who had Dragons and how we got to where the Show is now😊

  2. considering dunk and egg are the story with most information we have after asoiaf i think that will be it. plus we get to know the bloodraven and the blackfyres who were mentioned some times in the show

  3. Roberts Rebellion!! number 1 thing everyone wants to see in detail!! Also I would like to see ancient Valyria in it's prime and Targaryens and dragons and their ancient civilization and how doom happened. Also Aegon's conquest. these are mine top 3!!

  4. Wouldn't it be cool to see the entire story re-told, except from the perspective of the Night King and the White Walkers, where they are the central characters and everyone in Westeros is the enemy. Hmmmmm

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