Find out who’s behind the launch:

To be more like “Thor” visit
HeavyBubbles™ sparkling water weights are a revolutionary new product in the fitness / bodybuilding market. Just ask Game of Thrones’ Thór Björnsson and he will tell you that HeavyBubbles is for people who don’t take liquids lightly.

#heavybubbles #GoT #sparklingwater #gameofthrones

For more details –
Credits –

Concept By: Matti Yahav and Allenby Concept House
Director, Screenwriter and Editor: Vania Heymann
Story By: Yoash Foldesh, Guy Assif and Ronen Harten
Producers: Aya Hecht and Natan Schottenfels

Featuring: Thor Björnsson

SodaStream: Daniel Birnbaum, Matti Yahav, Mascha Zaksh and Itai Bichler

Executive Producers: Guy Assif, Srulik Einhorn and Eli peer
Allenby VP Creative: Yoash Foldesh
Creative and Design: Ronen Harten
Produced by:

Cinematography: Roman Linetsky
VFX: Geronimo Post&Design
Original soundtrack: Assa Raviv
Assistant Directors: Natan Schottenfels
Sound design: Omri Angel

Additional Music:
Local Forecast – Elevator Kevin MacLeod (

Executive Producer: Darko Skulsky
Producer: Sasha Bevko
Art Director: Vladimir Radlinskiy
1st AD: Dennis Sonin
PM: Nick Semko
PA: Julia Sotnikova

Koverda Serhiy
Yanchinova Zulaikha
Kozlova Iryna
Ostapenko Dmytro
Ostapenko Andriy



  1. Unless it's made out of hemp, I want nothing to do with that plastic shit. You'll ruin our fucking planet…. Also this ad is a joke. The full ad is about sparking soda water which you can use at home without using plastic water.

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