Hogwarts reacts to GoTS05E06 “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” (part two)
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We get all of your feelings on Brians "Coaxing", but don't forget this is our game where the rules are made up and the points don't matter – while we avoid directing her most of the time, we started this whole shenanigans to enjoy GOT with Hogwarts the way we wanted to. There are no have to's or supposed to's. Things eb and flow along the way, moments happen, discussion come about, because we are ultimately a bunch of friends watching a TV show. We appreciate you guys being here, but seriously go easier on the whole thing please, because remember, Brian holds the key to the rest of the reactions
I was of two minds about this ending. On one point I thought it was ugly and unnecessary, I’ve not yet read the books but even so felt like it could have been implied or explained later in dialogue how terrible her wedding night was. On the other hand it showed just how evil people can be, too many times viewers will idolize a villain because they are “cool” they’re so bad. Not everyone does this but enough. This, to me anyway, was the show reminding the viewers villains are evil, even though that wasn’t their intent. Sansa now compared to Sansa season 1 or even this Sansa, is an incredible change & amazing development. Though it was difficult to see her rebounding from all these traumatic experiences.
OMG OMG OMG CAN'T WAIT for Cersei's next 2 episodes
Love these videos! I wonder if you'll include the scene in the next Episode when Ramsay tells Sansa about Jon her half brother who is now the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch..
Have you guys ever thought about taking a poll ? You could see how well the fans no Hogwarts.
How do you think she'll react to Jon Snow's death ?
Will she cry
Will she get angry
Will she be in the denial
Or will she understand the Red Witch is there
This Rape scene among other things shows how FUCKED UP Ramsay really was , JOFFREY was just a spoiled child needing a slap , Ramsay is true horror which makes u wanna hide under ur bed
Great reactions.
The rape scene was awful, but that's what happened back then and even now. I hated that people got so upset because something happened in a tv show but no one cared that it happens all over the world every day.
Why only one episode every 2 days ? Whyyyy ? lol … Very nice videos, I am enjoying very much …. When GOT episodes are over, will you do another series ? Thx and greetings from Brasil
TY, i hope Hannah will discuss what she thinks of the books at some future time.
Can’t wait for 5×10.
Definitely one of the hardest episodes to watch.
This. Season. Fucking. Sucked.
There’s three parts in the show that they changed from the books that I absolutely hated. Coincidentally they all have something to do with rape.
1) Daenerys Wedding night with Karl Drogo. He did not rape her and it was actually beautiful.
2) Jaime and Cersei having sex beside Joffreys dead body. Again, he did not rape her. Morally wrong, but not rape.
3) Sansas rape. We all seen it coming when we heard she was going to marry Ramsay, but it was still horrible. I’m kinda glad they toned it down some from what happens with the girl in the books though.
The show runners and book writer RR Martin have said this many times! The tv show is an ADAPTATION of the book story! The books are the books and the tv show is a tv show based on the books! I don't know what is so hard to understand the concept. Most movies do it! Supposedly people who read books are smart, but they just don't get it!
8:30 Bran is watching too
The most upsetting and argued point of this season was definitely Stannis' complete and utter butchering no one really gives a fuck about Sansa lets be honest.
Jeyne Poole still had my sympathy, as no one deserves to be saddled with Ramsey!
They had to do that to Sansa in the show so Ramsay's death would be more satisfying later. Simple as that.
Obara sand had really bad grammar lol!
Let her make up her own mind, don't feed other people's opinions to her that is the whole point of reactions. Most people didn't even notice the fight scene wasn't the best, there have been other bad fight scenes as well, such as Brienne and Jaime on the bridge. The Sandsnakes were terrible characters in the books and they are terrible characters on the show, surprise, surprise!
They waited until Sophia Turner turned 18 so they could do the scene and not be accused of raping a minor.
Book Spoiler.
In some ways it was worse in the show, as it was happening to Sansa. In other ways, the books were worse as Reek was made to orally participate in the rape.
I have read the book, you completely explained what happened in the book actually.
Honestly, people exaggerated that this happened like come on now and your overreacting to the decision of the showriders deciding to do this when you say "Why did they do that?" Like it's Game of thrones horrible stuff has happened and will happen. Daenerys got raped and people didn't seem to freak out about it like they did now, and you act like it's such a horrible thing to have this happen when you've been watching similar and horrible things happen for 5 seasons now. I didn't like the scene obviously because it was a rape scene but I didn't make a big deal out of it and question the writers about it, It's not like you've been watching Disney this whole time and all of a sudden freak out because you have a rape scene all of a sudden. People have been raped before Sansa in this show, people have had dicks cut off, their heads chop off, children crucified and murdered, people burned alive, and you're so shocked and concerned about what you're watching now all of a sudden?
At this time in the TV show, in my point of view, Sansa, being down at the lowest point in her life, there's no way to go but survive, rise up, and play the game! and Arya have no other choice but play that "stupid game" some more! I never liked the Sand Snakes but honestly I found Tyene Sand hot! And I loved Tyrion for being such a smart ass!
Thanks for the reactions Hannah!!!
Jeyne Poole can’t catch a break, her story is so fucked up lol
In my humble opinion, probably 1st or 2nd worst episodes of all 7 seasons! From writing, choreography, & scene directing! Surprisingly not the normal GOT standards!
I know many viewers were enraged by that scene, but… This scene was one of the examples which just proved once again that Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) is one of the best actors in this show. His acting during that scene was superb.
Jeez.. People can be pretty hard core in these comments.
Brian, you're doing a Fan Fucking Tastic job! It's completely natural to want to share information and talk about what the hell you just saw. That's the fun part.

Maybe next time just edit that bit out so people can chill
I get where they're coming from, definitely, but to be honest, most of us who watched in real time were talking to other people and read how the Dorne story line was received. It didn't change how we felt. So.. whatever.
I felt exactly the way Hannah felt about this season BTW. I was super affected. It was just so damm dark.
Love you guys
I dont recall much pushback on the Sansa rape. It was the Cersei and Jaime rape scene I remember getting more disgust with and no question it should be seen negatively.
The Dorne storyline just didn't work for me. I just couldn't invest my interest. I hear that Dorne was really a great storyline in the books.
Wow, so many people here are annoyed at you Brian
it's funny because I am exactly the same. If I'm watching something that I've already seen with friends that haven't, I'm always eager for their opinions about things that I feel strongly about so will often ask questions like this. Everyone seems to have forgotten that you filmed this ages ago before you had this channel & an audience. You can do whatever you want
I enjoyed the reaction as always!
Here's another collective hug from all of us, Hogwarts.
Book spoilers ahead:
The scene with Sansa is disturbing, but thankfully not as horrible as it would have been if they did to Sansa what they did to Jeyne. In the books, Reek is not only forced to watch, but is forced to undress Jeyne and have oral sex with her to 'prepare her' for Ramsay. Jeyne didn't have a choice whereas Sansa (kind of) did. Granted, she made her decision based on Littlefinger leading her to believe she could avenge her family if she married him (There's no justice in the world, not unless we make it) but she did make the decision to marry Ramsay knowing that she would have to consummate her marriage to the son of a psycho.
I honestly find Dany's first scenes with Drogo to be much more upsetting than this, especially as a fan of the books. Drogo never rapes Dany in the books. (the book even specifies that he was gentle and never hurt her) She is afraid of him at first, but their wedding night is actually really romantic. He sat her down, she undid his braid, then he undressed her, they sat naked with each other for a long time before he started touching her, holding her hands, and giving her a massage.They didn't start having sex until she said yes and moved his hands where she wanted them to go. Instead, the show gives us a scared girl crying as shes raped on some rocks. I'll never understand it.
And don't even get me started on how badly the show slaughtered the Dornish storyline…
I have to agree with many of the viewer comments about selective hatred of certain disdainful acts committed on this show. However, we all continued to watch hoping for certain outcomes. "Showrunners" D & D understand that as season 5 comes to an end that the show will divert (by design) from the books as GRRM hasn't yet finished Volumes 6 & 7. The show will end in season 8, therefore plot lines, character arcs, etc, have to be accelerated. Sansas' rape was detestable, made more so by Theon being forced to watch. The show story, as scripted never the less still captivates us so we all press on "cheering" for our favorites and hoping that the bad guys will meet their deserved end. Sigh!! (The best show ever on TV).
As Alt Shift X brought up, Gendry was also raped earlier but it caused ZERO outrage.
Don't hold her hand, that's not fun. Let her decide if she liked something or not. Or what something is or isn't. "The whole viewership blah blah", "This didn't happen in the book blah blah". If it's information you did not have when you watched/read it, don't give it to her. Especially not in the middle of the episode. Discuss after. We're here for her genuine reactions, not those influenced by you. All book readers or people who saw the show before are a bit too proud and smug to be good guides.
As for the overall quality of GoT, Season 5 is something of a harbinger of how the show was beginning to fray around the edges, but Season 6 is largely solid, while Season 7 is filled with incredible, jaw-dropping spectacle scarcely seen in movies, never mind a television show. Conversely, Season 7 is hands down the worst written season in the history of the show. Dumb shit piles on top of dumb shit in that season and characters make decisions and pursue goals that defy logic. The actors are still great, the show is still one of the most visually stunning pieces of pop entertainment going right now, but when ep. 5, "Eastwatch" aired, it was clear that the truncated season had seriously damaged the quality of the writing; sacrificed for the sake of spectacle. Is it the worst thing ever? No, not even close, but I have to confess that my faith had, for the first time ever, been shaken a bit.
i didn´t even know people thought that fight scene was bad. i thought it was pretty sweet, although the girls lacked conviction. They are hardly worth the screentime anyway except for the next episode. The rest of the show they are useless.
Let me just say that the released Sansa ("Alayne") chapter from Winds of Winter is available to read. Sansa in that chapter has grown into a clever young woman. She's still in the Vale under disguise, and she is making her way to the top of the ladder with LF's help. Just read through the final lines of that chapter and you will see how much she's learned from Cersei and Margaery. I, personally, was not offended by the rape in the show. I was more offended by what they did to her character. Show-wise, they did redeem Sansa's character in season 6, but her sufferings did not explain how suddenly she became a great leader. Book Sansa is spending some time in the Vale under LF's watchful eyes for a reason.
I've always felt that the rape scene is a by product of the decision that Sansa should marry Ramsay. The line of reasoning was probably: Sansa marries Ramsay > Ramsay is an established psychopath > Ramsay would likely rape an unwilling bride.
But yeah, Dorne blows dick and I can't wait to be past this season.
"I don't think he is gonna trust him again" hohohoho
I don't like that Hannah is being led to think the way others think about the episodes. Let her have her own conclussions. I must say that it was pretty annoying to watch because of it. And I'm really tired of the hate this episode gets; yes, rape is terrible, and that's exactly the feeling the director brought. I mean, look at that ending, focused on characters and portraying the horror of it, not exploiting it.
Dorne was such a disappointment.. Simply because it just didn't make sense.
The books made them seem manipulate and interesting. Doran is a chess player, strategic planning and very strange.
Sadly the books aren't the show
Jeyne Poole was also in Game of Thrones. She can only be seen in Winter is Coming sitting next to Sansa at the table. Apparently, she was later killed in Kingslanding.
Amazing how far Hogwarts has come from hating Sansa in Season 1 to now,..
….."Why does Sansa have the worst life in the world?"