Hogwarts Reacts: GoTS07E04 “The Spoils of War” (part two)
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  1. General thoughts. With tyreon, it's one thing to order men into battle to kill/stop your evil family. It's another thing entirely to watch the outcome in person. Also, not all of those soldiers are evil. Most are just guys who someone shoved a spear in their hand and said go fight because you have no choice.

    A ballista bolt would be a logical and effective anti dragon weapon given the assumed tech level :).

    Sansa and arya, while we have seen them throughout the show. They haven't seen each other since season 1, and they weren't exactly the best of friends at the time :p. In fact their last conversation involved arya stabbing a table with a knife talking about killing people ;).

  2. Where did you guys buy the GoT flute glasses? i've been looking everywhere from Binny's to World Market and still can't find them. I live in Roger Park. Jaime Lannister did not look "terrified" at any moment.

  3. Hogwarts is really smart at 12:50 … she has started figuring out that maybe Tyrion is not a good guy….something that becomes likely towards the end of the season. I always felt the show would go that way because there was too much love for Tyrion from the beginning, and it always made me suspicious of Tyrion and where his story was headed.

  4. Hogwarts boyfriend is spot on. Jaime landed in the shallows, not the deep sea…hahaha! Even with armour on, & a little help from his friend, and some current, it is possible to get out!

  5. skinny girl telling the bearded guy to shut up when she was speaking the whole time… it was good reaction tho' but not the best one… now that the protagonist of this channel (which has very funny reactions when she's not interrupted by people around her) caught up with the rest of the group is not her reacting but just another generic group-reaction video with a bunch of noisy people talking to each other instead of watching the TV…

  6. I've been saying this all along and I still believe it. If Bran and Arya didn't come home when they did, Sansa would have schemed with little finger to kill off Jon and take the north for herself with Petyr by her side.

    She didn't take Arya serious when she said she was a killer, until Bran said something about her list in front of Sansa. Sansa's expression turned shaken. She was scared. Now her brother can see things, which he proved when he told her about her wedding dress and how beautiful she looked walking in the snow.  She was very nervous when she asked who else was on Arya's list. That's when I knew for certain that she would have been up to no good. 

    I firmly believe she was hoping that Jon would die on the battle field during the battle of the bastard, before showing up at the last minute with the Vale army to save the day. She looked upset when she saw Jon and Tormund walking out towards Winterfell to go after Ramsey. And again, had she told Jon that she was sending word to the Eerie for help, then he would have waited a day to restrategize a plan with them and maybe saved plenty of lives. He asked her what alternative or answer could he do if not go out and try to save their brother and their home with what army they had. The bitch said nothing. And she practically wrote Rickon off saying he'd dead already or will  be, like she's basically telling Jon to just forget about him.

    Brienne vowed to protect the Stark children, but Sansa acts like she was just for her and her alone to protect. She got jealous and worried because she saw how capable Arya really was and also how well Brienne took to her. This puts a monkey wrench in her future plans. You saw how she looked at Petyr for a second before she walked away pissed?

  7. Also, Bron should have died in this episode. Still not exactly sure how jumping three feet off of the thing saved him from a giant dragon flame…. I really want to see him die, he deserves it for shooting Drogon.

  8. I'm so glad it was two parts today. Yeah I hate how people spoiled season 7. Fucking Bastards!!! Can't wait for Friday. Oh no it comes to an end. I will continue watching whatever you post. You guys are great. ☺😊

  9. I don't know what happened in your live feed, but just so you know it's been blocked for copyright violation. I'm sure you've already been bombarded with messages about this, but just in case.

  10. You guys need to talk less during the reactions while recording at the screen so stop talking too much and be more focus watch the damn show and you can discuss when show end.

  11. I don't think Sansa was jealous or frustrated that she wouldn't be able to control Arya, I think she was just struggling to understand who Arya is now and how she became that way. At first she thought the kill list was a joke, and she looked kinda shocked when she realized it wasn't. The fighting with Brienne just confirmed to her that Arya is actually a killer now. Where did her sweet little sister go? None of her siblings are the same anymore.
    Also, I think Petyr Baelish understood Arya when she told Brienne that "no one" taught her. We know he's been to Braavos before. He definitely knows about the faceless men.

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