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Divergent is just the latest YA phenomenon to hit the big screen – but something about this movie left us hungering for more. Relive the romance, the complicated rules, and the nagging feeling that this film seems REALLY familiar.

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Voiceover Narration by Jon:

Title designs by Robert Holtby

Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Gilli Nissim, and Andy Signore
Edited by Dan Murrell

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  1. I tried reading the book and Veronica (Exceeding) Roth lost me at "I am selfish, I am brave." Then this is why Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa and the nice girl singers from the band who gave us Afternoon Delight are seen as villains, while total heartless sluts like Madonna, Beyonce and Tammy Bakker are seen as heroic by virtue (if you can call it that) of looking down at us ordinary people (true heroes) and not even giving us the time of day. Hidden message: I am a female, I will kill you, I will take advantage of you, I live for three important people: me, myself and I. Veronica Roth even claims to be Christian. Tough shit. Did she not know of the verse that says Love one another? She's a hypocrite waiting to be exposed. As for actress Shailene Woodley, she will not have a career after Divergent. This is guaranteed.

  2. way to late but…
    look, I get it, you're tired of the hunger games. you're tired of everything being the hunger games. well I have a movie that is definitely NOT the hunger games

  3. I don't understand why people keep comparing Divergent to The Hunger Games. They ARE NOT the same movie, and the plots are not even that similar! Divergent is a cross-over of The Hunger Games and Harry Potter, yet it is completely original in its own sense, and that cross-over makes it a completely different freaking fandom!

  4. I feel like choosing the rest of your life at 16 is straight up bonkers- I mean, 16 year old me pretty much had her heart set on becoming a T-Rex. (Or at least finding a way to make Jurassic Park a reality, because if you can't be them, demand a piggyback ride)

    Well, it was that, or a History teacher.

    I am sad to say neither came to fruition- most dishearteningly the former.

    Tbh, while being a T-Rex would be super sweet, its probably requires more effort than I have in all of my body. As for teaching, it's not like I can make students do flutter kicks or push ups because they're being little twats. There's also the whole vocabulary that could make a Sailor blush thing, so in other words; nope.

    Anyway, I'm not entirely sure how this comment got so ridiculously derailed, but also F*ck it. I would prolly be factionless within a week. What I'm saying is it's sort of bullshit to make these kids decide their fate at an age where most of us, despite thinking we know everything, in fact, know approximately Jack sh*t about anything.

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