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Merry Christmas, Screen Junkies! We’ve decided to shove your most-requested Honest Trailer ever down the chimney: Dragonball Evolution!

Extra special thanks to Team Four Star! Check them out here!

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Directed by Andy Signore
Series Created by Andy Signore & Brett Weiner
Episode Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, and Andy Signore
Edited by Dan Murrell

Voiceover Narration by Jon:

As always let us know in the comments what movie or television show you wanna see next!

Check out more of our Emmy Nominated Honest Trailers:

Deadpool (Feat. Deadpool)

Game of Thrones Vol. 1


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Breaking Bad

The Lord Of The Rings

Star Wars Force Awakens

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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  1. When I was little, and insanely in love with Dragonball, I saw this movie in a store and got really excited. My dad saw me looking at it and ran over, yelling "Noooooooo!" When I asked him what was wrong, he just pulled me away from the movie and shook his head, saying. "There are some horrors you aren't ready for. The world is full of disappointments." He was right.

  2. There was actually a pretty good live action movie, it was asian, hilarious, and 90's, but at least the wish was to resurrect entire village that was killed by the bad guy instead.

  3. Weird to think of how many hard core sex scenes Emmy Rossum and Justin Chatwin had in Shameless after this. I mean, this movie is awful, but they were so amazing together in Shameless. I can only imagine they probably got drunk at cart parties and cackled about how bad DNZ was.

  4. the ironic thing is, them not wishing [grampa(have to say that or i'll think its his son)]gohan back it the MOST ACCRUTE THING to the scoure material.  seriesly it's been decades in the DB continuity, with super now(9/21/17) over 100 e[isodes(107 to be exact) and it takes plase deacdes later from the org. dragon ball show (not Z), and not only an NO on ONCE brought him back but they still are leaving him in otherworld, practiccly forgotton.   (honestly if he does come back and become a villain I will not blame him in one bit, if anything, i'll root for him b/b the others beasrve it.)   LET (ALL)THAT SINK IN.

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