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Go-Go back to your childhood and revisit the teenagers with attitude that weren’t actually teenagers or had attitude – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers!
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Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey:
Title design by Robert Holtby
Series Created by Andy Signore – & Brett Weiner
Executive Producer – Andy Signore
Producers – Dan Murrell, Spencer Gilbert, Michael Bolton, Christina Kline
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell & Andy Signore
Edited by Kevin Williamsen and TJ Nordaker
David Yost interview footage by No Pink Spandex
Also while we have you, why not check out our Emmy-Nominated HONEST TRAILERS!
Deadpool (Feat. Deadpool)
Game of Thrones Vol. 1
Harry Potter
Breaking Bad
The Lord Of The Rings
Star Wars Force Awakens
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
I laughed so hard
Jason and Kimberly were never in love.
This was one of my favourite films as a kid
I forgot, but apparently if you're a Power Ranger, you aren't bound by the laws of physics.
Everyone can agree the Physics switch was turned off when Tommy did those rapid kicks on that goon's chest right before it exploded into purple jizz.
I laughed so hard XD

The red ranger turning his head and making the sound effect killed me

03:19 that ASS!


This movie worked on me as a kid. I joined a gymnastics club, and a karate dojo after seeing this movie as a young kid. Also i had all the toys and this was the only thing power rangers that i was into.
The old Voltron is stay way better.
I cant believe i dug
Please do a Starship Troopers honest trailer
Fun fact:this was my first exposure to power rangers
Bonus fact:my first exposure to batman was the 1966 batman movie
When CGI first began, I thought it was ball-tripping magic that could do no wrong. Remember Mind's Eye videos?
I've seen around 15 of these honest videos and this is THE BEST ONE OUT OF ALL
Do honest trailer Hocus Pocus.
my favorite…wow
4:35 "When the lights out, it's less dangerous!"
So funny
Am i the one who saw this and thought the worst of 90 movies were better than most of the crap that comes out today
Hahaha axe body spray, I guess thats universal teenage boys stuff
Still better than the new movie
~*The More You Know*~
This movie was so deliciously bad. I still love it and rewatch it regularly, but for whole new reasons than I did as a kid.
"Smells like…teenagers"
Do the power rangers 2017 pleaseeeeeeee :<
Fuck mighty morphin. SENTAI FOR LIFE!
Better than that crappy reboot.
Please make one for the Neverending story!
mystic force were op
What is the point of getting ninja powers if they are deep within your soul?
This was better this than the new movie!
Cool. Look forward to your trailer of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie.
I loved this movie so much when I was kid
Their only weakness is when they henshin