Director, Andres Muschietti, talks about how Bill Skarsgård elevated the role of Pennywise in the remake of ‘IT.’

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  1. The rest of the actors were better, but Curry was the better pennywise. Overall this movie was a much better quality movie, but the older technology of the original forced it to rely on Tim' acting. The remake can't really claim that. Also, it's really not fair to compare the new actor to the veteran that played the original Pennywise.

  2. IT was the first time when i couldn't wait to see main scarry character in horror. When i saw that little squint in his eyes i was just fall in love with this character. I would never say that Bill and Pennywise is the same person, he is brilliant actor.

  3. Sorry, but clowns in America ARE creepy. I really don't get all this creepy makeup and red hairs. It's not surprising that your children (and as a result adults) are scared of them.

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