Director, Andres Muschietti, talks about how Bill Skarsgård elevated the role of Pennywise in the remake of ‘IT.’
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Next joker on batman movie should be Bill
“You'll float too You float too YOU FLOAT TOO!"
If you love him, sub to his actual yt lol
bruh wtf I watch this online and thought it was the one from 1990 and wasted 20 bucks on this FUCKING movie in thethers
i saw this last night and i was so hyped, the movie was amazing! he played the role perfectly!
I like killer clowns. But regular party clowns scare me. It that weird?
The rest of the actors were better, but Curry was the better pennywise. Overall this movie was a much better quality movie, but the older technology of the original forced it to rely on Tim' acting. The remake can't really claim that. Also, it's really not fair to compare the new actor to the veteran that played the original Pennywise.
My daughter is going to be penny wise on Halloween
Bill is absolutely an amazing actor he seems to really get into his characters. He was a perfect pennywise and I'm looking forward to see more of his work
Bill is a fantastic actor&a Sexy Beast!!!!!
That kid looks like Mohd Ali
On behalf of the clown union…we endorse this motion picture.
The old movie is better
I just adore that first scene…. Bill's cadence when speaking as Pennywise is mezmerizing
IT was the first time when i couldn't wait to see main scarry character in horror. When i saw that little squint in his eyes i was just fall in love with this character. I would never say that Bill and Pennywise is the same person, he is brilliant actor.
I went back to see it a 2nd time…best horror film I've seen in like a decade for sure!
He was amazing as Pennywise
You're right less is more with Pennywise. That means Skarsgard can't show his acting chops but you're right.
So i never noticed he had a bell
I usually always like the originals better then the remakes, but this is an exception. I absolutely loved it
In all fairness: Clowns are never able to fill their shoes.
I think he could be the next joker
I wonder if I'm the movie that's actually Bill talking or if they changed his voice
He's so fucking talented
Even the director is creepy
I thought the first was bad for a remake the first 10-15 mins was good but the rest disappointing that's my opinion
I am addicted to the gutter scene!
This movie is GREAT in every way !!! Can't wait for chapter 2
I hope he gets nominated for awards. He definitely deserves one
Man I think pennywise has has a fettish for top left corners jezuz

I wasn't gonna bother seeing it, cause scary movies aren't really my thing, but I'm becoming intrigued.
bill was amazing as it and i have a feeling he may get the role of joker in about 10 years time
I would bang him

Sorry, but clowns in America ARE creepy. I really don't get all this creepy makeup and red hairs. It's not surprising that your children (and as a result adults) are scared of them.
Bill > Tim. or What? I watched old with tim and he was not that creepy. Maybe just me.
0:01 ASMR??
Spoil alert 1:15 is the scariest moment(not so scary) in the movie
am i the only 1 who thought i wasnt scary? and kinda lame as fuk? only part that freaked me out was that zombie dude in the street that came out of nowhere
Well I'm penny wise the dancing clown and I help you imagine black people burning in a building cool
LOL. "No letters from the clown union."