How did Will get south of the wall without his Brother’s catching him? (Gared in the books)

I used to think that he returned to Castle Black and then escaped. But there are some signs that he never returned to Castle Black. For instance, in the books, Gared is a true veteran Brother of the Night’s Watch. He has been part of the team for 40 years. If he had come back to Castle Black, he would have told them what he say. We know that he didn’t tell them anything because Jeor sent Benjen out looking for them. This leads me to believe that he passed by the wall a different way.

Similarly, in the show, Will tells Ned that he regrets not telling the brothers what he saw. Maybe he returned to Castle Black and just didn’t tell them. But I doubt it. I think it is more likely that he got south of the wall via another method

In this video, I list out 8 ways aside from Castle Black. And I make the argument that the most likely scenario is that he passed through the magical Black Gate, just like Bran and Sam

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Lars Dragerl: why doesn’t the Night King just freeze the ocean and walk around the awall?
HarbingerIV: *unconfirmed* the night’s watch declared Will a deserter, which would suggest that he DID travel south via Castle Black



  1. Am I the only one who finds it amusing how a guy managed to escape zombies, somehow cross a frontier of a deadly lake and a giant wall with mysterious tunnels, and STILL manage to be caught by someone when he could just come up with a lie on a village, say he'll go back and you know, have no black clothings and get the fuck out?

  2. What I don't get is why he deserted? Sure, he met the white walkers that scared the shit out of him, but wouldn't he be se safer at castle black with his brothers? Desertion means death penalty and he knew that he probably wouldn't get far until they caught him. At castle black he could warn his brothers and tell them what happened, he wouldn't be punished for running back. Maybe they wouldn't believe him but at least they would send another search team and be more careful this time.

    Also, at the very beginning, Waymar Royce threatens Will that if he leave desertion is punishable by death, but why would he desert even when he didn't know about the white walkers? He only had a hunch about the place. He could have just trusted his instinct and return to castle black, Will and Gared had already been about to leave.

  3. Must be a fairly large hole somewhere. Unless I just missed their explanation stanis got thousands of cavalry, and unless John set and talked to king beyond the wall for half a day or so they didn't use the gate at castle black.

  4. I think he honestly just returned the normal way. He then tried to explain what he saw and of course they blew him off, so at night he just said phuck it and kept going south. He was a Ranger and they said a very good one (according to Uncle Benjen), so they wouldn't stop him from returning. Rangers were treated a lot better than the other occupations at the Wall, so I think it's safe to believe they have more privileges than others.

  5. In the book they don't climb a 300 foot tree to then climb the wall they climb a steep hill that a tree has grown on, that's why it's a 300 foot head start because of the hill. It's a normal sized tree.

  6. why does he have to 'get past'?? he was caught on the north side and executed on the south side… but what I want to know – how come it was ned stark that had to discipline (execute) him when this happened but later when we're in the knight's watch sequences they do their own disicplining – in the courtyard…?

  7. Easy watch seems like the best way. As if you look in the intro on season 7. All the east waters have frozen. And if you look at the first 5 minutes of episode 1 season 7. It looks as if all of them are walking over a frozen lake.

  8. @bridge4 WAIT WAIT WAIT… WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE WALL IF THEY CAN JUST GO THROUGH CAVES BENEATH THE WALL CAN'T THE WHITE WALKERS USE THIS?!!? P.S. Also didn't Garet meet the white walkers south of the wall?

  9. The writers have admitted they have made "many mistakes in the pilot episode". Could this perhaps just be an overlook on their side? I recall they also were scared shitless the pilot episode wasn't going to take off and the whole GOT series would've been dropped. It is a comic interview with Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner I believe.

  10. Is it possible that the children beyond the wall are neccarcary to preform an old gods ritual, and they could replicate the children of the forests power and they need as many children as the dots in the spiral that was in the promo. I don't know how many males he already has but it should be close to the ammount of daughters he has had meaning that if the night king wants to remove his weakness to dragon glass he might need to preform this ritual in the gods wood.

  11. I never understood why Ned Stark didn't send word to Castle Black about the Black Brother he executed. It certainly would have saved them a lot of trouble if they didn't send Benjen's team out to find them, then the big group out to find Benjen's group.

  12. Love how the wall has caves and caverns in it and some even reach the other side except it is easy to get lost in there. I always thought it was man made but it seems to be made if ice completely

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