What do you guys think of Fortnite? Let us know in the comments below!
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What do you guys think of Fortnite? Let us know in the comments below!
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Yall suckkkk
Love that game
Fortnite protect the presideny please
D and jet are my favorite if any one even cares
The background music gets annoying sometimes
Crouch to have better accuracy btw
What do I do if I won a match and it didn't give me unbrella
I love this game everyday
coolest console battle royale game
Do more
I love watching you guys play. It is awesome to see pros play this game
Play fortnite more
You’d have to have a very high IQ to understand this 0:33
Building works against winning!? In all the games I've played the person who has the best fort positioning wins. Almost every time.
One of the guys they killed was called KurokoTetsuya10 but in the anime he wears number 11. Kagami is 10.
Brandon just running through the sky was hilarious
Please play this more guys, very fun to watch.
I play PUBG when I feel dangerous, Fortnite when I feel fabulous and when I want to torture myself I play h1z1.
do u have this on xbox?
If CSGO, PUBG, and Rust had a threesome…..
Love your vids
Huh.. Wasn't this episode originally called "To build or not to build"? I think I'm going insane, can someone confirm this?
Fortnite… for cheap poor online players that can't afford PUBG…. loves to play overwatch and TF2….. this is the game you should play for 24 hours a day…. even i can't afford PUBG so you guys are not alone… i give this game 8/10
copy of PUBG
Would be cool to see you play a customgame in pubg like a rush/capture the flag kind of style. To see how far you can get as a team.
This is actually more fun to watch than Battle Royale imo.
Gorn please
Horn please
Hey Node if you want to go further and faster while skydiving rapidly switch to glider and back to diving repeatedly
Escape From Tarkov videos coming?
9:44 Brandon fuckin wizardry
More !
From my experience, building is an end-game strategy. Once the circle gets pretty small, and there's only 10 or so players left with very little cover, forts can be game changers.
I was playing with two other friends, and we held out near the end (despite being a man down) by simply building up forts to cover our angles. That way we only needed to focus certain directions rather than standing in the open.
I prefer pubg personally.
Why do they make me lose The Game every time they play Fortnite?
Star Wars DND
Wasn't this video titled "To build or not to build?…" before?
Brandon trying to be funny but there just like nah
whats the battle music they keep using?
"we're in the circle" ooooh, it's a pubg clone. Interesting.
To build or not to build?
Fortnite is the gateway drug to PUBG
I want to meet you guys so bad.You guys are my favorite channel.
I hate this game.