Season 7 was bit of a mess, we can all agree. Here is how I would have done Season 7 to fix the plot holes and make the story a bit more engaging. My fan fiction, if you will.
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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest
Dany throwing JOn and Pod in the dungeon -> this is kinda cool.
"There would be no scene about how pretty Sansa looked when she was being raped" -> thank you hahahah This is so fucking twisted. It's like htey have a fetish for Sansa as a saxual object, it's just gross, eww
Pod and brienne -> killing for no reason, just for the shock, is just like an inverted plot armor.
Now that I found out you have a theory Pod works for LF, yeah, that'd be fucking cool. SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER THAN THE WHOLE FUCKING SEASON JESUS CHRIST FUCK DAVID AND DAN AND GRRM FOR LIKING DAVID AND DAN
Preston, I love your videos but this "fix" exercise is pure masochism… the show was really good in the first 3 seasons but now it just went to shit. "It will be around, forever", like Mr Plinkett said. No sense in dwelling in it hoping it could be better somehow. It is done…
If you have fun doing this, great, but please don't torture yourself.
When are you coming out with part 2 or are you still writing it?
Preston, you have a remarkable analytical mind. Have you ever thought about putting that energy toward deep state/ government corruption research?
I need part 2
Jesus this sounds way more interesting. It would keep me on my toes all the time and accually give me the feeling I had in the first 4 seasons with all the twists.
I Hope we also get a "prestons season 8" BEFORE season 8. That would be Fun to see
16:36 I feel like I'm missing something here.
Why would Tyrion react awkwardly when Jon states he doesn't like when innocents are burned?
no sir, I don't like it
''Novice Arabo''.. Sounds allright
Totally more logic than the crappy stories D&D have delivered last season
This was unexpectedly smart and creative alterations to the series.! And it was pragmatic in movie production terms, too… The story alterations did not necessete any extra money spending or new sets and locations. This is without a doubt a much better, more original and smart story than what we watched this season. I wish DnD hired you as their script doctor.
Would Gendry have that oversized plastic hammer in your version?
look GRRM, a fanfiction that is actually better then S7
Isn't the actor who play Ilyn Payne dead or seriously sick?
Wish this was the actual script for the TV show
Great job, Preston!
why would davos allow jon to attack stannis army and why would davos stand by that
Sigh. Fuck D&D
Way better than what we get, not season 1 – 3 quality, but after bad seasons 5-6 damage is too much to completely repair it. On other hand, its quality of season 4, which was weaker that first three seasons, but still pretty good.
The idea of Cersei blaming the destruction of the Sept on the enemy has been brought up before but I think it would be out of character. Cersei would want her enemies to know what she is capable of.
Fantastic! Keep it up Preston!
Totally on board until you said pod would murder Brienne.
That’s incredibly out of character!
Also… you pronounce most of the names incorrectly
When you get time we need a Sandra video…. I’m re reading and just weird shit happens to people around her all the time or rather people do not act like themselves… need to hear your take
Thankfully you weren't in in charge.
It was all going well until the "BOOM PLOT TWIST! Pod kills Brienne!"
1) The one defining trait of Pod consistent throughout all seasons is his loyalty.
2) Even if it were to be set as a sneak attack, Podrick had been consistently depicted as not a skilled warrior
3) Good plot twists are setup in a way that on a second reviewing you can spot clues that lead into them. Lady Nim suddenly changing sides can work because the Sand Snakes have been previously depicted as treacherous. Pod suddenly working for Littlefinger for no reason is an asspull cheap twist worthy of the hacks that run the show.
4) Pod has already previously recognised the Hound in the past so there is no reason why he wouldn't immediately recognise him with the Brotherhood without Banners causing Jon to immediately distrust their claims and believe they are assassins sent by Cersei.
5) Plus the biggest elephant in the room, Pod suddenly getting a lot of screentime and becoming LF level tactician (pre season 5). Even if he is working for LF doesn't mean he suddenly learns how to effectively manipulate people unless on your part 2 you plan on going the "Pod was LF's sleeper agent all along" route in which case refer to point 3.
What monsters would Jorah be referring to?
Lady Nym is making Dorne great again!
Preston your season 7 is absolutely brilliant. I'll have a bowl of popcorn for the next parts.
The writers seriously need to hire u Preston, when it comes to game of thrones, u definitely kno ur shit good sir….keep the vids coming!
You had me until podrick.
Illyn payne as castellan?
Did you forgett that he is a illiterate mute?