EDIT: Tyrion did in fact win The Battle of Blackwater, apologies for the error.
The Azor Ahai prophecy has been doing the rounds in season 7 and there’s a lot of evidence indicating that it’s going to be either Daenerys Targaryen or Jon Snow (or both). What’s more interesting is that we are seeing some parallels between the events in season 7 and the story of how Azor Ahai’s sword, Lightbringer was made.



  1. Look. Jon or Jaime, hell even THE BLOODY HOUND, I don't care who becomes Azor Ahai. I just want to watch Jon ram a "sword" through Dany's tits and start swinging his "Lightbringer". Or Jaime/Cersei.

  2. Alternate theory…Lightbringer is not an actual sword, but a person…specifically Jon Snow. Dany is Azor Ahai and he is her sword.

    A person chosen to fight for you is often caused a sword. After all, the term sellsword exists in GoT. A sword is simply a tool to be weirded, and Dany has looked to wield allies in her fight for for the throne. Dany has looked towards allies in the coming war. She turned to the Ironborn and Dorne, yet their navy was destroyed. Thus her sword broke when tempered by water. Then she turned to Tyrion, who used his intelligence to attack Castley Rock. However, her sword broke there as well from the sneak attack and trick by the Lannisters. Now she is turning to Jon. He was resurrected by a red priestess, thus born of Fire. Yet he is from the north, a cold and harsh place…metaphorically similar to the steel of a blade.

    My theory says that at some point, Jon Snow will have to kill someone that Dany loves, aka Mormont, before the two of them can truely defeat the Night King.

  3. Dany is Azor Ahai but neither Jorah or Jon are Nissa Nissa since she doesn't love either of them, her dragons are her Nissa Nissa, the thing she love the most and that she will have to sacrifice in order to fulfil her destiny

  4. Just gonna repeat it on here for lols : I still think that azor ahai is going to be Sandor clegane (the hound). I think that he has been kept alive on multiple occasions and told the gods have something planned for him. He is also with beric who has the sword which lights up with fire. I believe either he will go to eastwatch where the big battle takes place between the nights watch and wildlings and the white walkers and beric will die trying to save sandor which will be his 7th death and according to game of thrones the number 7 just seems to be an important number so I'm guessing he'll remain dead after this. The hound will then pick up the flaming sword, conquer his fear of fire and become azor ahai. As for the born of salt and smoke or whatever, his face was shoved in a fire as he was a little kid and he's been pretty salty ever since.

  5. What if the Night's King is Azor Ahai?
    If his sword is dragonglass, it would link back to how he was created? He could put his sword through a lion or Lannister (their house symbol is a lion) to break it and then put his dragonglass sword through Daenerys heart to turn her into the Night's Queen 🙂 just a thought.

  6. I think Jon is Azor Ahai. Dany will be the one to be sacrificed. She's Nissa Nissa. That's why the show is setting up their romance. It even foreshadowed it in the 3 episode when Dany questioned Tyrion about how Jon had sacrificed himself for his people. She seemed in awe of this and I think she will eventually do the same. It would make sense that Dany, who represents fire, will be the catalyst for creating the Light bringer sword.

  7. This theory is the opposit of whats coming! Danny will never be Azor Ahai, how can 6 seasons be wasted on someone who know nothing about white walkers return, it will be dispointing if they do that but I doubt they will. maybe she will replay the role of Nissa Nissa as wife of Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen)

  8. Close but not quite…..
    Snow will sacrifice Danny (pregnant with his child)
    Then Snow will become Night King and retreat the walker army way back into the far far north
    Tyrion will marry Sansa and sit upon the iron throne and bring a temporary peace to the realm


  9. Maybe Dany doesn't need to sacrifice a person; instead, maybe, she could sacrifice the thing(s) she loves the most in order to complete the prophecy. In that case, it's likely to be either the crown or her dragons.

    My money would be on the crown given the vision from way back when of the desolate throne and because of how they've hammered her obsession with becoming the ruler.

  10. Always like seeing prophecy as hazy metaphor, mistold in the retelling. So this interpretation has merit.

    Just a thought, but, as their "mother", if one of her dragons dies, will Dany feel it's pain? If Jon, idk, does an injured one a kindness, or prevents a massacre by taken a frenzied dragon out, would Dany clutch her heart and take it as betrayal?

    And would the longsword Jon uses burst into flame? Just a thought

  11. Jaime Lannister is Azor Ahai and the secret son of Aerys Targaryen, not Tyrion.

    'Lord of Light' and 'GoldenHand' in Valyrian are almost identically the same exact word albeit for one letter. The Lord of Light's champion – Azor Ahai – is also known as 'GoldenHand,' which is what Jaime starts calling himself in the last two books.

    He will kill Lady Stoneheart in the next book – who is of House Tully (Water) and will do so with Widow's Wail, but it will break.

    He will then capture a lion (Cersei) and kill her with Oathkeeper, also fulfilling the Valonquar prophecy, but Oathkeeper too will break.

    He will then be forced to kill his Nissa Nissa (Brienne) and from her death, Oathkeeper and Widow's Wail will be Reforged into one sword – Lightbringer. With that sword, he'll light up the Hightower in the Reach to warn the realm of the return of the White Walkers and fight against the champion of the Great Other – Bran Stark.

    How can you expect someone to be able to wield a burning sword without burning their hand off? When they've only got one hand and have to wield the sword with a literal forged golden hand – Like Jaime's.

  12. Dude… Jon is Azor Ahai. Obviously… Dany is nissa nissa and the three dragons are the untempered weapons. Dany+Dragon = Lightbringer.

    Why do people think Azor Ahai is Dany?

    Isn't it obvious that it is Jon? Jon was born under a bleeding star. Dawn was propped against his bedside covered in the blood of the knight ned killed with it. Dawn was forged from a falling star. Lyanna asked ned to promise her something as we are presented with the fact that Jon is actually a prince son of rhaegar aka the prince that was promised. So he is from the line that the witch says azor ahai is born of. Jon woke the dragon from stone i.e. he woke dany (the dragon) from dragonstone (stone) to help defeat the white walkers. He was born of salt and smoke because salt, tears, sadness of lyanna's death and smoke of the secrecy and deception around his parentage.

    Dany as the prince that was promised makes no sense. Dany could only be nissa nissa to Jon. Jon literally goes to dragonstone for weapons but he wasn't just looking for dragon glass but also dragons. The dragons are useless without Dany. He went to dragonstone to get Lightbringer and that is why Mel brought him there.

  13. lightbringer is valaryan steel and was tempered and broke in water.. Ned Starks sword Ice (Valaryan) was broken and retempered in water to make widows wail. It would now need to be tempered through the heart of a lion (Lannister Sigil) and through the heart of Azors beloved. Jaime Lannister is Azor Ahai. He has lightbringer. All he has to do is stab cersei with it an prophecy fufilled..

  14. Sam is the prince who was promised. He will reforge his families sword Heart's Bane with his knowledge from the Citadel, and temper the blade in Gilly. Comparing tempering… to a nonsensical metaphor of battles, is silly talk.

  15. Jon = Azor Ahai. Dany, Jon and Meera are the three headed dragon. Dany will die, but Jon will be forced to fight Cersei and take the Iron Throne because he's the only one who doesn't want it.

  16. This is how i think it will go down, Jorah will go back to dragonstone and he will see Jon snow with long claw. Jorah remembers that a " nights watch" member killed his father so he will assume its Jon. Jon and Jorah will fight till death with Jorah losing his life, Danny comes back from war and see's her lover dead which will complete the third prophecy thus becoming azor ahai her self

  17. Jaime is Azor Ahai. He was trained under the sword of the morning. Emotionally broke down in bath water. Family broke apart when Tywin had arrow in his heart. & will kill cersei by choking her then use widows wail. Poetic. 1000th lord commander. Golden hand. Suits him.

  18. Hot Pie is Azor Ahai.

    Serious now…. I don't think it qualifies as a sacrifice when you kill someone who loves you. You have to kill someone whom you love. That's why it can't be Jorah. And the only one she ever loved was Drogo, who's dead.

    I do believe Jaime Lannister is the perfect fit for AA. And the poetic justice it would be for him to kill Cersei and unleash the lightbringer.

  19. Dany is probably AA and if she isn't, then there needs to be some major reason why she fits the prophecy so well and isn't. Otherwise it's just poor writing. The major death connected to AA has already happened – Drogo. I think the lightbringer prophecy is about the birthing of 3 dragons. 1 is tempered in water and breaks (… or ice, ie, killed by the whitewalkers), another is tempered in the heart of a lion (ie, …killed by the Lannisters) and the other is tempered in the heart of the beloved (Drogo) and does not break. It's not my theory, but when I heard it, I thought it resonated really well with what's going on. Lightbringer is already forged and this is why AA is connected to waking dragons from stone.

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