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Did you take candy from the wrong stranger and find yourself blindfolded in a sketchy van?!
Joe Bereta will help you be your own Liam Neeson.
This is Epic How to Escape a Kidnapping!
This show is only for entertainment purposes…
If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you do so at your own risk and you assume the responsibility for the results. You hereby release Break, its parents, affiliates subsidiaries, and any person included in this programming expressly or implicitly from any and all actions, claims, or demands that you, your heirs, distributees, guardians, next of kin, spouse or legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, property damage, or any other liability that may result related to the information provided in this video.
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Starring Joe Bereta –
Episode Animated by Andy Mogren –
Written by Erica Russell
Produced by Michael Rainey and Joe Bereta
Executive Producer – Andy Signore –
that anamation was lit
How to escape a kidnapper
Step one : take your sharpest finger and poke it in the kidnapper's eye. That way he may crash. Me : wait that's a bad idea
Learn some really annoying songs, or the entire soundtrack of a really long musical. A kid once was released by a kidnapper because he sang his favourite song to annoy the kidnapper.
How to deal with the bratty know-it-all at your school!
Madeline Mc'an dislikes this video.
Jo. Your walking down a desserted alley one night,
Me. Why in the hell would be walking down a desserted fuckin alley.
6:26 Ouch.
What if your bff kidnaps you?
Then what will you do
How about they have a weapon on you and you can't get out
how to catch children who watched this video
How To Survive World War
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Pls do how to fake yourself as a weiner
Cop:put the wapen down!
…uhhhhhhhhhhh hi
If someone tried to get me I'm like always carrying a ball so when the kidnapper come wham! Knocked out
How to kill yourself
Do how to survive world war 3
What if im a child kidnapped by a pedophile?
If I was kidnapped I would smuggle a flamethrower and ak 47 brass knuckles and m9 crowbar
I would just kick the kidnaper in the nuts
How to escape a kiddnapping
Sing 'baby by Justin Bieber' every day out loud. Trust me, it works everytime
Eat cake kidnappers won't be able to take you
Anyone fan of "Home alone"? Well. THATS how to escape kidnapping
Haha jokes on you motherfuckers I ain't getting kidnapped anytime soon.
I do karate and boxing.