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Tywin theories I mentioned (watch the whole 5 part series on 2x speed, it’s worth it):

How Tywin Lannister Commands Respect in Game of Thrones

Tywin Lannister is a beast. He effectively served as king for many years under Aerys and wielded massive influence over Robert and Joffrey. He would have continued to be the power behind the thrones had he not been so horrible to Tyrion – more on that later – but that’s not the point.

In this video I want to explore why Tywin was able to command so much respect, breaking down everything from his body language to his strategy.

00:28 Game of Thrones of HBO shows this Tywin Lannister epic king outlook
04:40 One of the analyses of GOT Tywin Lannister dominance
10:20 Towering Tywin Lannister over Cersei and Tyrion Lannister

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  1. this is partly true, power comes from within the person status / reputation, presence and *WILLPOWER*. Tywin has a reputation of a killer, when his father is still alive he does nothing and completely overwhelmed by his father status even his father was publicly humiliated. The oppurtunity comes that his power solidified is at the rebellion of tarbecks and castamare. Thats why drunk people often fights because they want to dominates over the other thru will power.

  2. "This king is tired" Was pretty powerful.

    The goriila thing though– you should listen to Jack Hanna with his male vs female elephant story. Females will just rip you apart. Males bluff. Females destroy.

    Hitler was pretty famous for making people wait.

    The Blue Apron ad was horrible. I'm a good cook. People tell me that all the time. You suggesting then I'm not is really really offensive. I'll never use Blue Apron.

  3. Tywins power is also demonstrated when he walks into the throne room and paused his walking towards joffrey before continuing.

    Immediately after Tywin paused the kingsguard paused their walk as well.

    Which implied that Joffrey isn't in controle over the so called elite knights, that supposedly only answer to the kings commands.

  4. As good as this video is. It's much easier to act from a position of authority and absolute power when you actually have real authority and absolute power. He wouldn't be sub communicating like he is now if he was Theon or else he would just get his ass whooped.

  5. 2:33. I loved that scene. You can see Cersei is terrified because she knows he definitely shouldn't have done that, Tyrion is completely intrigued because he's interested in seeing such an unusual interaction with his father and Pycelle is confused.

    Such good acting.

  6. Tywin Lannister's power doesn't come from these tricks. They are consequences, not causations. His power comes from the fact that he always thinks of a pig piture, and what he says is always right, which leaves little room to contradict.

  7. All this is quite specific to a person in his position. He is pretty much always interacting with people below his position. As far as I remember, Ollena Tyrell (Mace Tyrell just doesn't count) and Oberyn Martel were the only people, in a position of power anywhere near him and he doesn't use a lot if this in his interactions with them. Robert Baratheon? Nope. Stannis? Nope. Ned Stark? Nope.

  8. Tywin was stupid and died for it. You have to be a complete moron or just plain jackass for hatin your son because he was born different.He is a complete failure. He failed his whole family!Being smart and calculatin does not mean that you will not be a complete looser at the end. Like tywin was.Kille in a toiled by his own son! My god!If that is not failure than what is???


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