I Almost Died Playing This! Resident Evil 7 JumpScare Montage (Funny Moments)
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You so funny
BOI you look like abel in the thumbnail
The 13 people that disliked need to get jumped

The best YouTuber ever
Death by water rip

You better make a part 2
When he choked on his water, the more he said "that shit aint funny, the more I started dyin lmfao
I finished this game in a day wtf
Chase works harder than most big YouTubers out there he needs to be over a million subscribers by now but his time will come
20 bucks Chase won't do Outlast 2!
@:58 omfg man!!!! LMFAO
0:59 had me dying bruh…
0:53 chase almost died lol! sorry……………hahaha!!!!
this got me dyinggggg
this got me dyinggggg
bro this had me falling out
he is so funny
Bruh chase its 4am where I'm at and chase has me in tears with the water keep doing what u do chase

this was funny
did he do an urban reign montage or am I tripping
ur like to dislike ratio is outrageous people love your content to bad u don't upload that much
The more he said "That shit ain't funny" the funnier it got

0:48 chase had to crouch in game to shut himself
this nigga chase is lowkey the funniest nigga alive
Yeo this shit funny asl

Please Like The Video Another Scare Montage Would Be
why chase look like kevin hates with those glasses
also loved the video
My cousin played 9 hrs straight of this shit in virtual reality, pray for my man's health
5k likes to 3 dislikes….. That's insane.
Why does Chase look like Spike Lee?
look at the like to dislike ratio chase upload more we love you
who thinks at 0:25 there need to be some John cena music
You're doing great and I think you should do Tom Clancy ghost recon wildlands walk-through
Shit hilarious
one dislike is from xchasemoney

Brutha Chase has been my favorite YouTuber for a cool minute! Keep it up bro!!!
Didn't that same thing happened on the pool aid video Chase made in the beginning
Chase this was great, but i think we waitin for that RAGE montage brethem
4K likes and 1 dislike? I see u chase
please play alien isolation next i would watch the hell out of that!