As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happned. The clip is from “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope”.
As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happned. The clip is from “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope”.
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Facebook just went down
His reaction after the earth was blown up in hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
las vegas was under attack people there died innocent humans
hope vegas recovers better i feel bad for everyone involved there đą
Obi Wan just found out that there is going to a MLP Movie.
I say this every time I jerk off.
This was when Obi-Wan found out J.J. Abrams was writing and directing Episode Nine.
Obi-Wan's reaction to the hiring of directors like Gareth Edwards and Colin Trevorrow, as well as the firing of Phil Lord and Chris Miller. The latter which is the BIGGEST of them all.
"What is it, Peterson?"
When men let equality take the reigns…
Obi Wan's reaction to Teen Titans Go
Obi Wan, recalling his vasectomy.
Obi Wan talking about Hodor's death
My when Adam West passed. I woke up abruptly on June 9, 2017, and I said, "I sense a disturbance in the Force, as if a man suddenly disappeared."
When you saw the emoji trailer.
All I could think of after I shaved my beard. Lmao XD
How I felt when my daughter started having her period
Obi wan when Han Solo died
Blair Walsh, HOW COULD YOU!?!
The Last Jedi
this moment occur when someone sucker punch your man jewels and someone in the otherside of the world felt your pain lol
The same could be said about the destruction of the Deathstar.
How I felt when Powers Boothe disappeared into the next dimension… đ
Obi-Wan's reaction when a Blair Walsh missed the FG in the Wild card game a couple of years ago
When Netflix's Death Note was announced
Yes, Obi wan. Trump got elected. Pray for us.
He is speaking about the last Mass Effect game…
Kefka: Nothing beats the sweet music of a million of voices screaming in unison and then suddenly silenced! Uh, I might have gotten the quote a bit off.