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Agents of SHIELD Season 5, Trailer Breakdown, The Kree, Vrelnexians, Phil Coulson, Daisy Johnson, Quake, Jemma Simmons, Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Agents of SWORD, Agents of SPEAR, The Lighthouse, The Framework, A Life Earned, Deke, Fitz

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This video contains information on:
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 4 “A Life Earned” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×04 “A Life Earned” Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×04 Review and Easter Eggs!!!
Agents of SHIELD Season 5 Episode 5 Promo!!!
Agents of SHIELD 5×05 Promo!!!



  1. Hey Everyone, Here is my review of the 4th episode of Agents of SHIELD Season 5
    Already having theories jumping to mind her so I am gonna be posting one probably tomorrow while postponing that Dealpool video for Monday or Tuesday.
    Let me know what you thought of this episode though.
    And have a perfect day!!!

  2. I'm not watching this garbage cause they won't put it on demand. it's the same thing you still have to watch commercials , so because of this I won't even watch it illegally, screw them

  3. I couldn't stop thinking about this space ship from the 505 promo, so I googled for 616 equivelances. I found this Skrull spaceship called Ryb' ik. It was used in the secret invasion storyline. I'm sure AOS is not setting up secret invasion, but how cool would it be if they were? I mean, it's a multi crossover storyline and it simultaniuosly allows them to explain why Carol Danvers was never mentioned before in the MCU, bring her to the present from the past and also it would make a great opportunity to bring the X-men and Fantastic Four into the MCU.

    If only this wasn't too much to thro on the plate of AOS, I would buy it.

  4. I disagree about Kasius and Sinara's make-up as indicative that they're Kree hybrids and not full Kree. We've seen Kree with different patterns before with Ronan the Accuser.

  5. Deke told Daisy not to go after Jemma, yet she did. Deke then informed Kasius about it, thus saving her life and actually giving her a better chance to succeed. This was him ´playing the long game´.

    This season seems to have a lot of infiltration going on. Kasius whispered to Sinara that she was not ´the only one working on this´, Fitz may have inifltrated some offworld orginisation, Basha is probably not what she appears to be, so is Sinara (she could not have killed May, so what is she up to then?), Tye has is own agenda, even Ava may turn out to be some kind of spy.

    Next episode will have Hunter returning , but also has Lola Glaudini credited as well as Zibby Allen (Lt. Evans), and offcourse Enoch. Glaudini portrayed Polly Hinton, Charles Hintons wife in season 3 episode 15 ´Spacetime´. His daughter is also credited so I wonder if she has the Inhuman genes. Enoch will be a recurring character for the next few episode. Evans was with Talbot when Daisy lmd shot him in the head. So this probably means Talbot is returning too.

    Episode 11 by the way introduces Dove Cameron. She´s the voice actor for Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen) on the animated series ´Ultimate Spiderman´. So we just may be getting into the multiverse after all.

    The spaceship in the episode 5 promo does not seem to be orbiting Earth. Moon and planet relative sizes are not the same as ours. Also in the promo: the Zephyr, but who´s piloting?

  6. Don’t know if I can wait a month to find out what happened to May!!!! Metal ball chick seemed super happy afterwards when she wiping the blood off of them. Loved the Deke dad reveal, was not expecting that. FITZ!!!!!!!! Only one line and he was the MVP of the whole episode. I’ve watched the tease for next week a bunch of times and we see him talking to the alien in the guy suit who abducted the team as well as a video of them in the room with the time travel monolith. I have a theory that he might have been held back originally because he’s supposed to be sent later on. But I can’t help thinking about his last line, that Daisy should fight to the death. Who’s death? Hers or someone specific? We know the framework really messed him up, and you have to remember that they’re technically only a few days, maybe weeks at most away from all of that. Mack is the perfect example with how he’s dealing with the loss of framework Hope. I hope he doesn’t leave he’s one of my favorites, he always has the funniest lines. If he leaves what does that mean for Yo-Yo? Here’s a thought, what if they’re bringing Hunter back so they can transition him out? That’s kind of what they did with Tripp (who I still haven’t gotten over yet) when they brought people in right before they killed him off. I though about what you said about the Kree using their own blood, like the original Kree experiments thousands of years ago. Back then, and as it is in our timeline, powers are random. You don’t know what they’ll be until after you go through teragenesis. When AIDA was finally “a real girl” she had given herself specific Inhuman powers through the experimentation that was done in the framework. What if the Kree are trying to control the powers that the Inhumans have? Example, they don’t want another Hive on their hands. We already know they do have some control over them already, with the remote that can turn their powers off thanks to an implant in a persons head. I also think that metal ball chick might have some mind reading powers of her own. And seriously, what the hell did she do to May? She can’t be dead! She just can’t be. Which makes me question her whole character motivation. She seems like massive guyliner’s right hand woman, but I have a feeling that she may be playing an angle herself. The interactions between the two of them suggest some mind reading ability going on. I think she may have a similar Inhuman power like the new guy we met this week. She hasn’t had any dialogue, she’s been mentally talking to him reading his mind and telling him what he wants to hear. That’s the only explanation I’ve got, May just can’t be dead! I refuse to even think it. But yeah, Fitz is back!!

  7. I'm That Kind of Guy that if He Doesn't see A review About A Episode that i like , I start Doing it myself
    that's How My Channel Started . Even This This 2 . And Just Discovered you , So Always Nice to see Someone
    ales ^_^

  8. Kassius appears to show an ulterior motive, he may find the sale of Inhumans as a way of embedding an army against Skrulls who quite frankly, don't seem too far away. Sonara's interest only appear to be one of two things, either she has stronger views of enslaving perceived lower beings and therefore serves someone on an upper platform of the hierarchy (possibly one rank higher than Kassius) or she could be his prodigal enforcer, not unlike Coulson and May. The roaches seem not very different from the "bugs" from the Marvel Infinity series, ruthless, efficient, unstoppable. We may see Hela as perhaps Mistress Death and perhaps the fall of Thanos in the movie-verse in a series of movies. Then again, I know shit all, I think this load of crap I wrote is because I'm excited.

  9. Boy oh boy I have yet to find anyone that can prove what relevance the so-called MCU TV shows have since they have no bearing whatsoever in the MCU to begin with.
    They keep replying shit that my argument is unsubstantiated yet they cannot offer any shred of proof to the contrary.
    I'm still waiting and will probably die of ripe old age waiting for their "proof" that the so-called MCU TV shows have any shred of bearing on MCU.
    They can't because they don't
    The so-called it's all connected crap is a one way door like a roach motel. That's what's infuriating.
    If they don't ever intend to really connect the shows just completely separate them with their own versions of Captain America The Hulk and so on just like the CW DCTV universe shows do.
    That would be a trillion times better on how this properties are being treated now.

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