Epic Game of Thrones Theory about how Euron Greyjoy might have learnt how to become a Warlock, and the weapon he might possess called Dragonbinder.

Theories uploaded every Sunday and Wednesday

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  1. OK m man lex,here is a thought ,why cant dani take westeros easily with her dragons ? kill the bitch ooo i mean cerci ! who we luv to hate the lanasters have been there too long the real fight is coming from the north not cerci i think she should have already burnt the red keep not the city just the keep in the middle of night killed all that is in it and then began her rule .sounds easy hugh your thoughts thanks keep up the great work !

  2. I definitely think he's learned sorcery. I know he has Valyrian armor. What's bothered me is there's nothing in Westeros that can take down Danny's dragons. I'm praying to the Drowned God that when the battle comes, tentacles come up from the ocean. Euron has found himself an actual Kraken.

  3. this theory just got much more likley after the last episode. Euron said to cersei "I wont comeback until i have the perfekt gift" Maybe he gonna tame a dragon and bring it to her..


    "The Doom of Valyria" = "Hammer of The Waters"
    (What I mean is… The super spell cast by "The Children (the Males…the Greenseers)" known as "The Hammer of The Waters" caused "The Doom of Valyria"…)

    Agreed? Yes or No?

    Valar dohæris…!

  5. Yeah, I think in the books Euron will probably be using an entirely different dragon, perhaps the one that Summer and Bran see after the burning of Winterfell. GRRM didn't put that line in the books just to be forgotten about and never used again later. There's at least one more dragon around Westeros.

  6. Hi awesome Video, Peace out. What horn was it that Sam found with the Dragon Glass at the Fist of the First Men? was it lost when the Dragon glass was lost in the fight with the Wites?
    if so and this is the horn that brings the Wall down then that could be where the Night king gets it from. Thoughts?

  7. I have been under the belief that he either is a Warlock, OR has harnessed some sort of Warlock-esqe practices ( at the very least), he may even still have captive Warlock (s) whom he is forcing to help him learn some of their skills… and perhaps doing his bidding.

    I did think that it was hinted at so much in the books that it could also be a red herring. It seems to me that GRRM would not make the Warlock angle quite as obvious as it is in the books if it was ONLY that Euron is a warlock… but then reading this series can make one go fucking mad. ( But hey, if it were simple to entirely predict GRRM wouldn't have our rapt attention.

    Also, I remember when you started this channel, I was one of your very first subscribers, and also have one of this channels most spirited debates in the comments section. I have changed my photo, but since I only use my own photos you may be able to recognize me anyway.

    I just am so proud that your channel took off so quickly! I have shared some of your theories on FB, etc too. I tend to try to help grow channels like this because it's effing awesome.

    I'm going to start a new channel again soon, I actually had one of the LARGEST sites for a completely different Fandom. It was seriously quite large, but foolishly I gave the damn thing away when I got tired of it.
    Also, with the level of subs I had I could have made the former site a source of income too, but I didn't because I wasn't aware how to when I started, and also it was about 10 years ago I started. So seeing your channel rocket up so quickly makes me so proud.

    perhaps, when I start my new community you can give me some hints on how to monetize it so I can get a better set up for my next channel. When the day comes I hope you'll take a minute to throw some advice my way. ( and btw, by the time I get around to starting it I think season 7 will be over. Regardless, my site will be about several shows/perhaps films too, but it will be nothing like yours. I'm a fully trained actress who has had years of training, and actually worked in the "industry " professionally on many popular projects off and on through out my life, so my channel will be an actresses view on DELETED, DELETED, DELETED DELETED…. because I would hate someone reading my plan and stealing it btw spelling it all out in comments sections. It's going to be great and I'd be honored if you let me link to your channel ( I will list off 3 or so sites I quite love, on shows, films, etc that I quite love when I get this up and going.

    Please don't take offense, I'm certainly not trying to spam my channel on your channel , like I said my new channel has not even started yet because I don't want the set up to the channel to blow chunks.

    Anyway, proud of you man! GREAT JOB!- MUSE

  8. I have been under the belief that he either is a Warlock, OR has harnessed some sort of Warlock-esqe practices ( at the very least), he may even still have captive Warlock (s) whom he is forcing to help him learn some of their skills… and perhaps doing his bidding.

    I did think that it was hinted at so much in the books that it could also be a red herring. It seems to me that GRRM would not make the Warlock angle quite as obvious as it is in the books if it was ONLY that Euron is a warlock… but then reading this series can make one go fucking mad. ( But hey, if it were simple to entirely predict GRRM wouldn't have our rapt attention.

    Also, I remember when you started this channel, I was one of your very first subscribers, and also have one of this channels most spirited debates in the comments section. I have changed my photo, but since I only use my own photos you may be able to recognize me anyway.

    I just am so proud that your channel took off so quickly! I have shared some of your theories on FB, etc too. I tend to try to help grow channels like this because it's effing awesome.

    I'm going to start a new channel again soon, I actually had one of the LARGEST sites for a completely different Fandom. It was seriously quite large, but foolishly I gave the damn thing away when I got tired of it.
    Also, with the level of subs I had I could have made the former site a source of income too, but I didn't because I wasn't aware how to when I started, and also it was about 10 years ago I started. So seeing your channel rocket up so quickly makes me so proud.

    perhaps, when I start my new community you can give me some hints on how to monetize it so I can get a better set up for my next channel. When the day comes I hope you'll take a minute to throw some advice my way. ( and btw, by the time I get around to starting it I think season 7 will be over. Regardless, my site will be about several shows/perhaps films too, but it will be nothing like yours. I'm a fully trained actress who has had years of training, and actually worked in the "industry " professionally on many popular projects off and on through out my life, so my channel will be an actresses view on DELETED, DELETED, DELETED DELETED…. because I would hate someone reading my plan and stealing it btw spelling it all out in comments sections. It's going to be great and I'd be honored if you let me link to your channel ( I will list off 3 or so sites I quite love, on shows, films, etc that I quite love when I get this up and going.

    Please don't take offense, I'm certainly not trying to spam my channel on your channel , like I said my new channel has not even started yet because I don't want the set up to the channel to blow chunks.

    Anyway, proud of you man! GREAT JOB!- MUSE

  9. I think this theory is very plausible, especially if he marries Cersei. His powers – potentially – could nullify the dragons in a future fight with Daenerys. Or, he could possibly control them or have them empower him, too. I like the former, personally.

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