Tonight on Game of Thrones, a major character risked his life and may have paid the ultimate price. But is he gone for good?

Okay, enough with the vagueness. At the end of “The Spoils of War,” tonight’s episode, Daenerys Targaryen attacked the Lannister army from atop Drogon, the biggest and most fierce of her dragons. Bronn managed to plug Drogon with a massive bolt from Qyburn’s anti-dragon weapon, forcing him to land. While Daenerys was attending to his wounds, Jaime Lannister charged her, but Drogon protected his mother with a great spurt of fire right to Jaime’s face. Bronn tackled Jaime off his horse and into a nearby lake in the nick of time, but he was far from out of the woods. After all, he was wearing heavy armor, and the last we saw of him, he was sinking down into the depths.

So is this the end of Jaime Lannister? Death by drowning? Maybe.

Other characters have seemed to drown before only to be saved at the last minute. In season 5, Tyrion was knocked into the drink when he and Jorah were sailing through the ruins of Valyria. Cruelly, the camera cut to black, and we feared he was done for. But a second later, we saw that Jorah had pulled him out.

However, Tyrion’s situation wasn’t as dire as Jaime’s because Tyrion wasn’t wearing armor. Still, Jaime could extricate himself from this situation in some other way. He could still undo his clasps, perhaps with Bronn’s help. There’s even an outside chance that Tyrion, who witnessed his brother’s failed charge, could help somehow, perhaps by enlisting Dany’s help. Stranger things have happened…probably.

Finally, there’s the fact that Jaime is a very important character on the show, and we’re not sure it’s done with him yet. We don’t know how he’ll avoid drowning, but we bet that by this time next week, he’ll still be around.

Then again, this is Game of Thrones, a show notorious for killing off major characters. We’ll have to wait seven painful days to be sure of anything.

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