Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 7 – The Bear and the Maiden Fair
Brienne has to fight a bear in a pit with only a wooden sword. But Jaime comes to the rescue and jumps unarmed into the bear pit with her.



  1. Jaime was a good character actually,but somehow he just love cersei and that was make him look bad,I just watch episode 4 from season 7 yesterday and seeing him almost die by daenerys's dragon get me worried somehow,too many good guy died in this series already

  2. I imagine Jamie killing Cersei and then he feels suicidal. He can't live without her, but he won't take his life on his own, he can't die that way. He wants to have a "special" death…Then he meets Brianne on his way somewhere and she looks at him and Jamie smiles. They are having a talk…and later he is begging her to kill him. She refuse but Jamie got his will, he'll say that he loves her and she will say the same with tears in her eyes. Then she'll put her oath keeper in him.
    BUT that's what I think…

  3. I always hated Jaime for his temper and arrogance.

    I changed my mind when he told Brienne of how he killed the Mad King and when he actually saved her in this scene.
    I suddenly realized it was his name that brought him dishonor, and he's actually a decent man.

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