Game Of Thrones 7×07 Season 7 Episode 7 Game Of Thrones S07E07 GOT 7×07 Game Of Thrones
Dany, Jon, Tyrion, and their motley crew are heading to King’s Landing t meet the Mad Queen herself, Cersei. They will attempt to convince the Lannister that the White Walker threat is much greater than their squabbling over the Iron Throne. Expect some sort of trap from both sides as things looks set to get messy.

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  1. honestly if im cersei, the only way to get jaime back is to kidnap Brienne, Brienne didnt travel back by ship with Jon/Dany (most likely by horse with Podrick which takes weeks) (this could be the perfect way to bring back Hotpies inn too) And in the season 7 finale, they made it quite certain that Cersei is aware of the friendly relationship of Jaime/Brienne (twice they show Cersei/Brienne/Jaime staring at each other) and for what? there is always a point for little scenes like that, it builds up the story lines. And we know that Jaime is going to kill Cersei, and what might be the only thing to get Jaime to kill Cersei? Cersei threatening to burn Brienne alive with wildfire.

  2. I'd just like to say how beautiful Jaime's armour is. The detailing is lovely.
    Why isn't Jaime blond anymode though? Lannister's should always be golden blond. I wondered if it was maybe to show that he's growing further apart from his family? But I still think he should still be blond.

  3. When Jamie is riding off and stops and looks up I wondered whether he sensed something. There's a bird about. Perhaps Bran was watching Jamie. The next scene is Bran mid-vision in his chair.. probably not. Just a thought

  4. I thought the best scene in GOT was when tyrion kill tywin. And then they made "olenna tyrell confessing joffrey murder scene". And then i thought that was the best scene if GOT. But then, THEY MADE THIS.

  5. About fucking time!! For seasons Jaime has become more selfaware and complex, he has tried to done the right things and has been questioning his previous dupious acts of the past. But he has still loved cersei, claimed on to their relationship. Even after much arguing between them, even after dealing with her scorning him for various things, he has been by her side. Even after blowing up the sept and killing the tyrells and their uncle. Now he finally saw her what she is, a selfish, spitefull woman. I am very happy for Jaime, exited about what lies ahead of him! I would still like to see him kill Cersei but we will see.

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