Jimmy gets a surprise visit from Daenerys Targaryen, and they talk about her crazy life.
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The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon features hilarious highlights from the show including: comedy sketches, music parodies, celebrity interviews, ridiculous games, and, of course, Jimmy’s Thank You Notes and hashtags! You’ll also find behind the scenes videos and other great web exclusives.
Jimmy Interviews Khaleesi from Game of Thrones (Kristen Wiig)
straight up cry laughing after a minute :'D
It would be less "funny" without the hired laughing actors on audience to trigger laughs in other people and in turn cause the cognitive illusion that it's actually funny on who's watching. Kind of a live laugh track trick.
This is like me when my friends talk about GoT and I'm like… oh yeah.

Soooo let me guess: Few days earlier they made a bet after she said "I could improvise anything from Game of Thrones without even watching it!" ?
She looks like Viserys
SIT STILL fucking bitch! Its so distracting to see you fidgeting all the fucking time!
This is garbage television.
She looks so good with that hair
this is not khaleesi
Dont do drugs kids
Im dieing…."yyeesss it does"
I love Kristen Wiig in all her award show apperances, she's funny as hell…but this one, it's not even a mock and absolutely not a comedy, i dunno what this is.
This is most probably the most genuine time Jimmy has ever laughed.
I miss her in SNL so muc
There s Sheila from shameless!
Jimmy Fallon sucks. he's Shiite.
Hahahaha Drogon
Imagine actually hearing Khaleesi make this as her official greeting on GOT. HAHAHAHHA
My God this is STILL hysterical.
Her wig is better than the ones on the show, wow.