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I've been on the internet for quite some time but it wasn't till this year that I got a phone, and I am 17.
Already knew this was going to be a black theater from the title.
schaub could take at least 4 of those guys. hes a trained fighter. the worst mma figher can fuck up at least 3 regular joes on the street at once.
"carb up carb up" hahahaha
Carb loading on pop corn…I don't give a fuck I call people out constantly it's my new fucking job. I'm not a tough guy but 99% of people who act like inconsiderate fucks aren't that tough either so..
Balls deep in some popcorn…
I can see a phone call but what's the problem with texting if your ringer is off
Damn it’s 6 AM and I’m listening to this lmaooo
Trying so hard to say niggs without saying niggs
DAMN Brendan jst called Joe's daughter a bitch lol
I'm addicted to Joe Rogan podcasts lol
Did Brendan call Rogans daughter a bitch lol
i hate the fucking movies when it's packed. too many stupid disrespectful idiots. go a week after, hopefully during the day so it's not as packed and enjoy the legroom and arm room and not have to worry about some idiot kicking or kneeing the back of your seat.
racist as mf schaub u dont watch urban movies or rogan damm rednecks
HAHAHA Fucking love Brandon.
niggers on their phone
No BS saw Joe checking his phone on Joeys podcast a few times…
"…we read a Vice article." Do you realize how inaccurate Vice is?
They're right though man I'm fucking addicted to my phone it fucking blows. Every morning when I wake up I load my whole twitter feed, then Instagram feed, then snapchat feed and then finally some YouTube. I've tried stopping but it's really turned into a morning routine and also a thing I do before bed too, the shit is just so entertaining man
Dude, that wasn't an addiction that's just some self involved ghetto fuck. That's a mindset lol
Dam this dude Brandon is suspect bro. Balls deep in popcorn, scrolling twitter for dick pics, then bitching at someone disrespecting the guy by ordering him to do what he wants him to do. You get a lot further with honey then you do with shit! Urban area means cheaper tickets less income so just be cool and ask the guy politely by saying please with all due respect and offer 10 bucks for the inconvenience of troubling the man while he enjoys his movie on his phone. Unless the movie theater strictly enforces zero tolerance for cell phones and results in removal from the theater then sorry but then it’s just a courtesy to stay off which means to most people IF I FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT TODAY! You know it’s urban and one should accept that mofos in there gonna represent where they are from and keep it hood.
Of course that ape didn't say anything. Schaub would have destroyed that chimp. But all people are annoying in movies who talk. Race just place a small part for that propensity.
the rule should be kids can get a phone when they can pay for it themselves
I'm always the guy that has to say something even though everyone else is clearly annoyed with their sighs and eye rolls. I was threatened by a large black woman with a razor blade for asking her to take her phone call outside. Built a decent home theater and never looked back. Too many trash people to make something like a movie theater work anymore.
Carbin up on popcorn
4:30 Can think of a couple reasons to hate on Kevin Hart
This is certainly a passive aggressive thing to do, but if you see some people you think are going to be a problem during a movie, it might not be a bad idea to tell the theater management about them. Maybe the management or an usher can step in and get them to behave or kick them out if they continue to be disruptive.
Really I just avoid going to theaters in general. Tickets are expensive, concessions are crappy and expensive, and people are rude and inconsiderate of others around them. It's just not worth it unless it's a movie you're actually really excited to see. Even then, though, it's probably not worth it because of other movie-goers alone. The best solution is to wait for movies that seem mediocre to come to be released on DVD (or onto an online streaming site, or just pirate them if you're feeling adventurous) and see the movies you're hyped for in a more expensive theater like a drafthouse. Those places tend to have stricter rules about phone usage and they enforce them.
Me and my father beat people up at the movies for talking!!!
Urban people are the worst at movie theaters. They have no respect, then wonder why no one likes them or want's to be around them.
man Brendan Schaub is a 6'4 ufc fighter and he got scared…what chance do i stand?
Woah, that's some pretty fucked up racism boys.
I dont use fb, ig and all the other shit, no idea y i would need it…