In Game of Thrones / ASOIAF, does Bran Stark eat Jojen Reed as part of his training under “the three-eyed crow”? Jojen Paste is one of the craziest Game of Thrones theories, but it might just be true…

A visual explanation and analysis of Jojen Paste, a Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones fan theory about Bran Stark and Jojen Reed.

This video contains major spoilers for Season 5 and Book 5.


Created with Toon Boom Studio 8.1, Adobe Creative Cloud, a Wacom Intuos Pen Tablet, and a Blue Yeti microphone.

Images and video from Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and Star Wars are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.

Thanks to the following supporters on Patreon:
xandria lenert, @MrFifaSA, Cameron Weiss, @ Vineyarddawg, Michael Appell, zyad aloqily, staffio the seventh, Fred Petty, Jason Rattray, Madeline Cockrel.

Thanks to María Mariño Costa for the Spanish subtitles.



  1. I don't think it is Jojen. Rather I think it is Bloodraven's blood which is obviously already feeding the roots of the Weirwood tree. And the blood of the Forest Children who died getting them into the cave. Their blood would have spilled onto and into the ground to feed the Tree also.

  2. "The blood is the life, you know. Even the lemurs and elementals that are older than the earth will come when the blood of men or beasts is offered under the right conditions."

  3. Somehow it feels anticlimactic to not make a bigger deal out of the death of Jojen after so much build up, it's possible that Jojen's blood is in the weirwood paste but that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be dead normally I would think this kind of off screen low key death would be weird for ASOIAF but with Jojen specifically it feels like we've been given reason to expect more from his death then this. Also, and I may be mistaken but doesn't Meera suggest to Bran that Jojen believe's his dark fate is waiting for him back home to Greywater Watch, not beyond the Wall in Bloodraven's den?

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