Jon Snow Fight Scenes
A quick edit of some of JON SNOW best fight scenes
“He is the prince that was promise”



  1. Jon literally struggled every battle he's been in. I know he's not listed amongst the greatest swordsmen in ASOIAF universe but still, this is the guy supposed to destroy ice zombies and it will not be just because he wields a Valyrian steel swors:D

  2. too bad Karl tanner was a villain and had to die…he was a legendary killing machine… imagine him with dragon glass daggers… probably would have killed thousands of wights alone…RIP Karl…

  3. Think about it…..Ned Stark taught him well…and Stark AND Targaryen blood runs through his veins, Jon was born to be a warrior like no other. He's defeated 2 Night King Captains and just getting started…

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