GOT- Jon Snow vs The White Walker Boss Insane Fight Scene
Season 5 Ep 8 is one of the best episode ever!!
The siege of white walkers on kings landing is one of the insane episode of all GOT.
George R. R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones 5-Book Boxed Set (Song of Ice and Fire series): A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, and A Dance with Dragons. Just click here
And there was nothing that white walker could do . John snow was a made man , he wasn't .
Screen tears at the worst moment
Watch this video and then decide who you like better in the game of thrones!
PS it will make u laugh
"white walker boss" HA
White Walkers ain't so tough when your weapon can stand up to them.
1:47 White Walker be like: "NO. FCKN. WAY!", Aegon be like: "well…look what we've got here"
I came, here
2:06 When you copy and your teacher catches you
Basically he is not the Ww's Boss…The night King is
how many white walkers are there? it doesn't look like there's ever that many. but how many have died so far? Sam got one, Jon got two, Meera got one, so like, 4? and yet there always seems to be only 1-4 in any given scene. it's not like we've ever seen a whole clan of them, or an army. it's always the Night King and his four horsemen. but it never changes.
I hate to be "that guy", but that guy is called a "Wight" , and so are the rest of his race. The zombie-like creatures are Wight Walkers, so named because of their slow, ambling movement until they see a foe.
It's not spelled "White", either. I don't know where the show came up with that nonsense, but that's simply untrue.
thiss white walker look soo black metal
1:45 it was that moment that he knew…he fucked up!!
Why don't White King throw speat at John?
he is not a white walker boss, he is a white walker and the night king is the boss. this wasnt an insane fight scene just simply a fight between a white walker and the king in the north
John Snow has some balls. I mean, he tried to fookin punch a fookin white walker.
very cool, but why didn't the white walker just stab jon when he came close to him, instead of jerking him around, just throwing him around the place until he could eventually escape to grab the sword?
To those complaining about plot armour regarding when the WW Colnel threw Jon instead if insta killing him Ive come up with a possible explanation in retrospect.
Its possible the Night King new who Jon is and his importance. Or he knew someone of prophecy will be in that area and he sent his Colnel to investigate/test his power to make sure its really him. Hence why he the Night King was bothering to watch the fight.
Its not totally implausible as NK has shown quite a few different powers so far. He can see and intereact with people in their "spirit form" like when he grabbed Brans arm. He can freeze matter. And of course he can raise the dead. Perhaps he also has Brans type of powers?
too bad it wasnt the real boss. john pussied out and could have fought one on one before they got a dragon…..
I am Jon Snow and I've come to BARGAIN!
This wasn't insane and the white walker wasn't the boss
Still the best version of the Night King
I love how he looks at it like tf
Gotta use that venereal steel!
Pretty lame. The White Walker could have killed him at least 3 times. Jon was lying on the ground pretty much the whole time. The walker could easily stab him to death, throw the spear multiple times, but no… he goes and throw him again and again, then hit him with the wooden part of his spear… Just too convenient and at the at all it took to defeat the walker were two swings… The Walkers don't look like very much emotional beings and yet here he acted very illogically.
Why didn't all the walkers this guy turned explode? I thought that was a thing?
misleading title tho. It is not the "WW Boss"… Its just one of the white walkers. The white walker boss isn't even a white walker. The night king has a dragon glass dagger within his chest < just to point out he ain't like the rest of them.
why the fuck s7 only had 7 episodes
Valyrian steel…Don't leave home with out it!
0:36 ugh, the infamous protagonist throw….
After Jon killed the Walker you can hear his energy shield recharging
I understand Whites, they are raised from the dead, what are the actual White Walkers, how are they created.
Who the fuck is Jon Snow?
When even walker gets surprised.
S05E08 will always be the best GoT episode HANDS DOWN!
Blue eyes white walker
When Jon was crouched down getting his sword, why did the white walker throw him around and not just stab him lol
This Walker looks cooler then the night king. Sad but true. More of a badass
*Aegon Targaryen vs The White Walker Boss Insane Fight Scene
*Aegon Targaryen vs The White Walker Boss Insane Fight Scene
Jon snow is 5 foot 7, I can't see him bring a good fighter
night king y u no throw spear?
"That line is Broken!!"
"It has been remade, Bitch!"